发布时间:2020-10-10 04:25
高中英语的新课程改革已经在我国全面推进,英语写作课堂教学的改革便是一个必须重视起来的观念。目前在国内英语教学中,英语写作作为二语习得中的输出技能,一直是高中英语教学的重点和难点。但是在实际的英语写作课堂教学过程中,教师们却并没有积极地去探讨如何以正确的方式在英语语言运用中强调思维能力的培养,更缺乏适当并有效的写作教学策略以及科学并系统的引导方法。一些中国语言学家借鉴Michael Lewis、Nattinger等学者的语块理论,把“语块”的概念引入中国。他们尝试探究如何利用语块理论,帮助中国学生象学习母语一样能迅速而恰当地提取语块,但是没有深层次的讨论如何系统的记忆这些语块。而图式是人们对过去所获得的知识在大脑中的储存方式,是人脑对过去经验的反应或主动积极的组织。图式理论也被频繁运用到写作教学中。图式理论和语块在英语学习过程中都对信息的选择、加工、记忆起了非常重要的作用。因此,基于图式理论的语块教学是句法、语义、语言背景的组合,不仅能提高信息加工的有效性,还有助于语言的输出、表达的准确性与流畅性。基于此,笔者试图从认知角度出发,将图式理论与语块尝试结合,以普通高中英语学生为对象,以实验法、问卷法和访谈法为研究方法,将图式理论与语块同时运用于英语写作学习中,探讨其对发展英语写作能力的作用,分析归纳其对英语写作教学的启示,以期对中学英语教学有所帮助。在本研究中,笔者提出三个研究问题:1、高中生在英语写作中的语块意识以及语块的使用情况如何?2、图式理论下的语块教学中,图式能否更有效的激活语块并使学生有效记忆更多语块?3、图式理论下的语块教学能否提高高中生英语写作能力?在本研究中,笔者以鸡西市第一中学高一某两个平行班级为实验对象,进行了为期四个月的教学实验。实验前笔者对实验班和控制班进行了问卷调查前测。课堂教学过程中,实验班写作课以宾爱华(2018)“四环八步”英语书面表达教学模式为基础,根据实际情况稍作修改后形成图式理论下的语块教学模式。控制班采用传统的写作教学方法。实验后笔者对两班进行问卷调查后测并对教师和学生进行访谈。通过分析调查问卷的前测、后测,写作测试的前测、后测以及实验后的访谈,笔者得出以下结论:1.高中生的语块意识比较欠缺、对语块的认知不够充分,语块的使用较少且错误较多。2.图式理论下的语块教学能够使图式更有效的激活语块并增加学生语块储量,能够提高高中生的英语写作能力。3.图式理论下的语块教学能有效提高学生学习写作的兴趣,提高学生的写作学习的信心。因此,笔者认为图式理论下的语块教学运用在高中生的写作教学中是行之有效的。笔者在今后的研究中会更加完善该改教学模式并希望对今后的英语写作教学有所帮助。但是,本研究也存在一定的局限性,如实验周期较短,实验样本较小。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
1.2.1 Purpose of the Research
1.2.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Innovative Points of the Paper
1.4 Framework of the Paper
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definition of English Writing
2.1.1 Definition of Writing
2.1.2 Definition of English Writing
2.1.3 Definition and Composition of Writing Ability
2.2 Lexical Chunks
2.2.1 Definition of Lexical Chunks
2.2.2 Classification of Lexical Chunks
2.2.3 Studies Home and Abroad on Lexical Chunks and English Writing Teaching
2.3 Schema Theory
2.3.1 Relevant Definitions of Schema Theory
2.3.2 Classification of Schema
2.3.3 Development of Schema Theory
2.3.4 Studies Home and Abroad on Schema Theory and English Writing Teaching
2.4 Studies on Schema-based Lexical Chunk Teaching Combined with English Writing Teaching
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
3.1 Krashen's Input Hypothesis
3.2 Swain's Output Hypothesis
3.3 Information Processing Theory
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Experiment Design
4.1 Research Questions
4.2 Research Subjects
4.2.1 Respondents of Questionnaire
4.2.2 Subjects of Experiment
4.2.3 Interviewees
4.3 Research Methods and Tools
4.3.1 Questionnaire Method and Questionnaire
4.3.2 Test Methods and Test
4.3.3 Interview Method and Interview Outline
4.4 Experimental Procedure
4.4.1 Data Collection before Experiment
4.4.2 Teaching Design
4.4.3 Data Collection after Experiment
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
5.1 Analysis of Questionnaire Results
5.1.1 Factor validity Analysis of Questionnaire
5.1.2 Reliability Analysis of Questionnaires
5.1.3 Analysis of T- test Results of Independent Samples in the Pre-test Questionnaire
5.1.4 Analysis of T-test Results of Independent Samples in the Post-test Questionnaire
5.1.5 The Percentage Data Analysis of Pre-test Questionnaire and Post-test Questionnaire between EC and CC
5.2 Analysis of Writing Test Results
5.2.1 Comparative Analysis of Writing Scores
5.2.2 Analysis on the Usage of Lexical Chunks
5.3 Analysis of the Interview Results
5.3.1 Student Interviews
5.3.2 Teacher Interviews
5.4 Discussion of Results
1. Major Findings of the Study
2. Implications of the Study
3. Reflection and Deficiencies of the Study
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ
Appendix Ⅴ
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
1.2.1 Purpose of the Research
1.2.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Innovative Points of the Paper
1.4 Framework of the Paper
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definition of English Writing
2.1.1 Definition of Writing
2.1.2 Definition of English Writing
2.1.3 Definition and Composition of Writing Ability
2.2 Lexical Chunks
2.2.1 Definition of Lexical Chunks
2.2.2 Classification of Lexical Chunks
2.2.3 Studies Home and Abroad on Lexical Chunks and English Writing Teaching
2.3 Schema Theory
2.3.1 Relevant Definitions of Schema Theory
2.3.2 Classification of Schema
2.3.3 Development of Schema Theory
2.3.4 Studies Home and Abroad on Schema Theory and English Writing Teaching
2.4 Studies on Schema-based Lexical Chunk Teaching Combined with English Writing Teaching
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
3.1 Krashen's Input Hypothesis
3.2 Swain's Output Hypothesis
3.3 Information Processing Theory
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Experiment Design
4.1 Research Questions
4.2 Research Subjects
4.2.1 Respondents of Questionnaire
4.2.2 Subjects of Experiment
4.2.3 Interviewees
4.3 Research Methods and Tools
4.3.1 Questionnaire Method and Questionnaire
4.3.2 Test Methods and Test
4.3.3 Interview Method and Interview Outline
4.4 Experimental Procedure
4.4.1 Data Collection before Experiment
4.4.2 Teaching Design
4.4.3 Data Collection after Experiment
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
5.1 Analysis of Questionnaire Results
5.1.1 Factor validity Analysis of Questionnaire
5.1.2 Reliability Analysis of Questionnaires
5.1.3 Analysis of T- test Results of Independent Samples in the Pre-test Questionnaire
5.1.4 Analysis of T-test Results of Independent Samples in the Post-test Questionnaire
5.1.5 The Percentage Data Analysis of Pre-test Questionnaire and Post-test Questionnaire between EC and CC
5.2 Analysis of Writing Test Results
5.2.1 Comparative Analysis of Writing Scores
5.2.2 Analysis on the Usage of Lexical Chunks
5.3 Analysis of the Interview Results
5.3.1 Student Interviews
5.3.2 Teacher Interviews
5.4 Discussion of Results
1. Major Findings of the Study
2. Implications of the Study
3. Reflection and Deficiencies of the Study
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ
Appendix Ⅴ
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2 李健民;;语块及其教学研究[J];职教与经济研究(娄底职业技术学院学报);2007年03期
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