发布时间:2021-02-07 19:59
在二语习得领域,语言迁移问题一直受到诸多学者的关注。在认知语言学的影响下,Pavlenko(1998)提出了概念迁移,这也成为了语言迁移研究的新方向。近年来国内外学者关于概念迁移方面展开了大量的研究,并获得了丰硕的成果,但国外针对中国英语学习者语言产出进行的研究较少;而且国内研究大多停留在描述阶段,虽有部分研究从认知视角进行解释,却对语料的解释不够充分,未能从认知根源上分析偏误的原因。因此,本研究运用概念迁移理论,通过自建的语料库从概念迁移视角探究以汉语为母语的中学生在英语写作中母语概念对英语介词使用的迁移影响。具体而言,包括三个研究问题:一、中学生在英语写作中介词的概念迁移上表现出哪些类型?二、三组不同水平学生在英语写作中介词的概念迁移上有什么不同?三、中学生在英语介词的使用过程中,引起概念迁移的潜在原因是什么?为了回答以上三个问题,本研究收集了三组不同水平学生(初三、高一、高二)的作文建成语料库。语料库的收集历时4个月,720篇作文,共80000多字。首先,通过语料库处理工具Ant Conc软件对语料库中的介词进行检索,对索引进行编辑,形成新的纯文本。其次,观察介词的使用情况并进行...
【文章页数】:75 页
ChapterⅠ Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis
ChapterⅡ Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Key Terms
2.1.1 Language Transfer
2.1.2 Conceptual Transfer
2.2 Theoretical Foundations
2.2.1 Conceptual Transfer Theoretical Framework
2.2.2 Image Schema Theory
2.3 Relevant Studies on Conceptual Transfer of Prepositions Abroad and at Home
2.3.1 Studies on Conceptual Transfer of Prepositions Abroad
2.3.2 Studies on Conceptual Transfer of Prepositions at Home
ChapterⅢ Research Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Corpora Used in the Study
3.3.2 Instrument for Data Processing
3.4 Research Procedures
ChapterⅣ Results and Discussion
4.1 Types of Conceptual Transfer in the Use of Prepositions
4.1.1 Positive Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.1.2 Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.1.3 Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Grammatical Level
4.2 The Differences of Conceptual Transfer for Students with Three differentProficiency Levels
4.2.1 One-way ANOVA of Positive Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Levelfor Students with Different Proficiency Levels
4.2.2 One-way ANOVA of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Levelfor Students with Different Proficiency Levels
4.2.3 One-way ANOVA of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the GrammaticalLevel for Students with Different Proficiency Levels
4.3 Underlying Causes of Conceptual Transfer in the Use of Prepositions
4.3.1 Causes of Positive Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.3.2 Causes of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.3.3 Causes of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Grammatical Level
ChapterⅤ Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Suggestions for Teaching and Learning of English Prepositions
5.3 Limitations of This Study and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix1:The topic of composition by middle school students
Appendix2:Some instances of preposition in corpora
[1]语言迁移研究的最佳解释推理视角[J]. 杨丽. 外语研究. 2018(01)
[2]语言层迁移和概念迁移的研究方法[J]. 蔡金亭,李佳. 外语界. 2016(04)
[3]语言迁移的多维动态理论框架[J]. 蔡金亭,李佳. 外语教学. 2016(04)
[4]英语介词习得与概念迁移探究——以介词IN为例[J]. 李锡江,刘永兵. 外语学刊. 2015(06)
[5]在二语产出中判断母语迁移的比较—归纳方法框架[J]. 蔡金亭. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2015(05)
[6]认知语言学视域下的二语学习概念迁移理论探究[J]. 刘永兵,张会平. 外语与外语教学. 2015(04)
[7]参照物范畴化对中国学习者英语空间介词in使用的影响[J]. 徐庆利,刘振前,蔡金亭. 外语教学与研究. 2014(05)
[8]语言相对论在二语习得中的深化和拓展——认知和语境的视角[J]. 孙鑫,俞理明. 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版). 2014(03)
[9]母语迁移与英语复数名词短语的二语理解和产出[J]. 杨梅. 外语教学与研究. 2014(01)
[10]语言迁移视角下大学生英语写作中的介词研究[J]. 李勤. 天津外国语大学学报. 2013(04)
[1]基于语料库的中国学习者英语概念迁移研究[D]. 张会平.东北师范大学 2013
[1]母语概念化模式在外语句子理解中迁移作用的实证研究[D]. 吴文宇.四川外国语大学 2014
【文章页数】:75 页
ChapterⅠ Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis
ChapterⅡ Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Key Terms
2.1.1 Language Transfer
2.1.2 Conceptual Transfer
2.2 Theoretical Foundations
2.2.1 Conceptual Transfer Theoretical Framework
2.2.2 Image Schema Theory
2.3 Relevant Studies on Conceptual Transfer of Prepositions Abroad and at Home
2.3.1 Studies on Conceptual Transfer of Prepositions Abroad
2.3.2 Studies on Conceptual Transfer of Prepositions at Home
ChapterⅢ Research Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Corpora Used in the Study
3.3.2 Instrument for Data Processing
3.4 Research Procedures
ChapterⅣ Results and Discussion
4.1 Types of Conceptual Transfer in the Use of Prepositions
4.1.1 Positive Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.1.2 Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.1.3 Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Grammatical Level
4.2 The Differences of Conceptual Transfer for Students with Three differentProficiency Levels
4.2.1 One-way ANOVA of Positive Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Levelfor Students with Different Proficiency Levels
4.2.2 One-way ANOVA of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Levelfor Students with Different Proficiency Levels
4.2.3 One-way ANOVA of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the GrammaticalLevel for Students with Different Proficiency Levels
4.3 Underlying Causes of Conceptual Transfer in the Use of Prepositions
4.3.1 Causes of Positive Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.3.2 Causes of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Lexical Level
4.3.3 Causes of Negative Conceptual Transfer at the Grammatical Level
ChapterⅤ Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Suggestions for Teaching and Learning of English Prepositions
5.3 Limitations of This Study and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix1:The topic of composition by middle school students
Appendix2:Some instances of preposition in corpora
[1]语言迁移研究的最佳解释推理视角[J]. 杨丽. 外语研究. 2018(01)
[2]语言层迁移和概念迁移的研究方法[J]. 蔡金亭,李佳. 外语界. 2016(04)
[3]语言迁移的多维动态理论框架[J]. 蔡金亭,李佳. 外语教学. 2016(04)
[4]英语介词习得与概念迁移探究——以介词IN为例[J]. 李锡江,刘永兵. 外语学刊. 2015(06)
[5]在二语产出中判断母语迁移的比较—归纳方法框架[J]. 蔡金亭. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2015(05)
[6]认知语言学视域下的二语学习概念迁移理论探究[J]. 刘永兵,张会平. 外语与外语教学. 2015(04)
[7]参照物范畴化对中国学习者英语空间介词in使用的影响[J]. 徐庆利,刘振前,蔡金亭. 外语教学与研究. 2014(05)
[8]语言相对论在二语习得中的深化和拓展——认知和语境的视角[J]. 孙鑫,俞理明. 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版). 2014(03)
[9]母语迁移与英语复数名词短语的二语理解和产出[J]. 杨梅. 外语教学与研究. 2014(01)
[10]语言迁移视角下大学生英语写作中的介词研究[J]. 李勤. 天津外国语大学学报. 2013(04)
[1]基于语料库的中国学习者英语概念迁移研究[D]. 张会平.东北师范大学 2013
[1]母语概念化模式在外语句子理解中迁移作用的实证研究[D]. 吴文宇.四川外国语大学 2014