本文选题:随班就读 + 融合结果 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since 1980's, studying in class has gradually become the main form of special education in China. In recent years, more and more autistic children have begun to attend regular schools to seek integrated education. However, people can often hear news or news that autistic children are unfairly treated or discouraged from school. This has to lead people to think about it, and to ask scholars to find out exactly how integration education in the autism class has developed: whether autistic children can be accepted, integrated, and interact well with their peers in regular classes. The harmonious relationship, whether can participate in the school activity, obtains the ability development. This is also the main purpose of this study. Based on the analysis of previous research literature, this study adopts the method of peer nomination, questionnaire investigation and interview. From the perspective of peer relationship and school participation qualitatively, we investigated the fusion results of individual cases in class social network, and investigated the peer acceptance, friendship, peer interaction and routine adaptation of autistic cases in ordinary classes. Participation in activities. The results of this study show that in peer relationships, the case is a popular type of child in the class, is accepted into the social network of the class, and is in two (one consisting of five people). A small group of "middle-class" playmates, in which three students consider him best friend and develop friendships with him, but the friendship between individual cases and peers is not equal; When interacting in class social networks, the interaction between individual cases and peers is simple, the peer will actively guide him, often in the role of being helped and taken care of. In the school participation, basic adapt to the school routine, simple participation in some class activities, shallow social, formal participation in the classroom. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that the result of case fusion is better, and he achieves good physical fusion and gains higher peer acceptance. In social integration to achieve certain results, basic adaptation to the school as a small social unit. He belongs to the secondary position in the class structure, has his own small group playmate group, has several good friends, although he can not give friends the high quality friendship, but obtains the normal friendship care from the friend; Although the mode of communication with peers is relatively simple, it is not neglected by peers in the activities, but it gets a lot of attention from peers; he can basically adapt to the school routine, obey class discipline, and participate in class activities simply. The analysis of the reasons of the case fusion results shows that it is the result of the teachers' acceptance, the students' tolerance and help, the efforts of the reading teachers and the parents' correct integration ideas. Based on this, it is suggested that schools should start with the creation of resource classrooms and the formulation of individualized education plans to play a greater role in the integration education of individual cases.
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