[Abstract]:As a special part of the college students, deaf college students have different characteristics from the students of the National people's Congress. The social development of deaf people can not be separated from the reality of deafness. The communication obstacle between them and mainstream society is caused by deafness. Through literature review at home and abroad, researchers found that deaf people accept the reality of their deafness, their attitudes towards sign language use and their different attitudes towards who they are. It shows that the identity of deaf people is the core of their social development. At present, due to the difficulties encountered by deaf students after entering university, it is inevitable for deaf students to study their cultural identity (deaf identity). There is no doubt that the study of deaf college students must not be divorced from the cultural characteristics of deaf people. Therefore, three purposes of this study are put forward: to determine the objective existence of deaf group culture; to analyze which factors affect the self-identity of deaf college students; and to explore the interaction mechanism between self-identity and peer relationship of deaf college students. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Deaf college students have their unique communication style, which is different from mainstream social life. This way reflects the objective existence of deaf culture. 2. The characteristics of deaf culture are manifested in three aspects: 1. Communication barriers between hearing and hearing is an objective existence. 2 sign language is the first language of deaf people how to attitude towards deafness is also the basic content of deaf culture. 3. 3. Deaf college students with hearing brothers and sisters, Deaf college students showed a higher recognition of hearing society and culture than deaf students without hearing brothers and sisters. 4. The form of educational placement of deaf people has a significant impact on their self-identity. Deaf students who have been studying in deaf schools have more recognition of their deaf identity. Compared with deaf students who have studied in general schools, the way parents communicate with deaf students in their families has a significant impact on their self-identity. Fathers tend to write with deaf children, Mothers tend to use sign language for communication. 6. There is a significant positive correlation between high peer relationship satisfaction of deaf college students and their bicultural identity tendency. 7. The placement of deaf education is associated with peers of deaf students There was no significant correlation between relationship satisfaction and relationship satisfaction. The education level of parents in the family, the way of communication with deaf college students, There was no significant correlation between the two items and peer relationship satisfaction of deaf college students. 8. Recognition of deaf culture did not bring higher peer relationship satisfaction to deaf students.
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