本文选题:评价导向 切入点:一流学科 出处:《现代教育管理》2017年08期
[Abstract]:First-class discipline is the core and soul of the construction of first-class university, but because of the historical tradition and institutional mechanism, there are many misunderstandings in the system logic level of the first-rate discipline construction. These diseases run counter to the goal of constructing the first-class discipline.Therefore, the system logic of discipline construction needs to be transformed as a whole: to respect and protect the autonomy of colleges and universities, to attach importance to the construction of quality orientation and connotation in academic evaluation, to arrange as a whole the relationships between scientific research and education, scientific research and service, etc.Pay attention to the professional development of teachers and improve the local talent training and incentive system.Only the real reform can realize the goal of subject system logic transformation and upgrade, and realize the great mission of "double first-class" construction.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学;吉林大学;
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