本文选题:本科生 切入点:就业压力 出处:《陕西师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, undergraduates are facing enormous employment pressure. Based on Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, this paper explores the relationship between undergraduates' sense of self-efficacy and employment pressure, social support and positive coping.The main psychological factors which interfere with the employment of undergraduates are excavated deeply, and some reasonable suggestions are put forward to guide the employment of undergraduates.This study adopts Longyan Mei's revised simple scale of job selection efficacy, Chen Yuhong's questionnaire on college students' employment pressure, Xiao's Social support rating scale and Yanning's simple coping style questionnaire.A questionnaire survey was conducted among 540 undergraduate graduates, including 266 boys and 274 girls.The results are as follows: (1) in terms of gender, there are significant differences in employment pressure, social support, and positive coping among undergraduates; in terms of whether they are single or not, there are significant differences in employment pressure and social support for undergraduates; and in professional, positive coping.There is a significant difference in the sense of job selection efficacy. 2) there is a close relationship between employment pressure, social support, coping style and job choice efficacy of undergraduates.Employment pressure had a significant negative correlation with social support, positive coping and job selection efficacy. Social support, positive coping and job selection efficacy were both significantly positively correlated.) Employment pressure could directly affect the sense of job selection efficacy.It can also affect the sense of job selection efficacy through the social support and the individual intermediary role of positive coping, and can also influence the sense of job selection efficacy through the chain multiple intermediary role of social support and positive coping.Positive coping and social support play a chain role between employment pressure and job selection efficacy.Based on the above research results, we suggest that all sectors of society should pay more attention to the employment of undergraduates, mobilize individuals, families, schools and society to form a complete system to strengthen the communication between the various systems.To solve problems by promoting positive individual attitudes among students, encouraging and calling on families, schools and society to provide comprehensive social support to students, and advocating students to take full advantage of such social support,For themselves to ease the pressure of employment to provide some help.At the same time, schools and all sectors of society should often carry out various practical employment activities, such as actively providing students with employment practice opportunities, improving students' practical operation and application ability, actively conducting various employment lectures,Invite experienced people from all walks of life to provide students with opportunities for reference and study by telling their own experiences; effectively carry out various job applications, job salons, improve students' job applications, interview skills, and strengthen students' vocational skills, etc.From the aspect of practical application, it helps undergraduates to relieve employment pressure more effectively, at the same time, strengthen students' sense of job selection efficacy, and give full play to social support and positive response to the multiple intermediary role in it.
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