[Abstract]:The university teaching should realize the organic unity of teaching and educating people, the organic unity of science and ideology. The cultivation of all-round development is not only the initial education of the Chinese Communists, but also the ideal of human education. The real power of higher education is a structural optimization of the higher education system, is an organic whole. Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited many colleges and universities such as Peking University, Beijing normal University, etc., on the party's educational policy, the cultivation of youth's core values, the standards of good teachers, and the construction of world-class universities. Some important theoretical and practical problems in the field of education in the new period have been expounded in a series of important speeches on science and technology innovation and other issues. His speech was built from a strategic point of view, deep and simple, and rich in content.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学党委;
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