[Abstract]:Scientific research activities in colleges and universities undertake the function of transforming scientific research resources into various scientific research outputs. The overall promotion of scientific research field in colleges and universities is an important means to promote the ability of scientific and technological innovation in China. In our country, the scientific research resources are scarce, the scientific research investment is insufficient, the scientific research activity presents the extensive development pattern, the scientific research input and output efficiency is not high, the regional development disparity is big. Under this background, the scientific and objective evaluation of the input-output scientific research efficiency of our country's colleges and universities, the rational use of limited scientific research resources, and the effective improvement of the scientific research efficiency of colleges and universities are conducive to improving the level of scientific and technological innovation in our country. This paper studies the input-output efficiency of scientific research in colleges and universities in China from the macro level and micro level. At the macro level, DEA method is used to evaluate the input-output efficiency of colleges and universities in 2014 from the aspects of comprehensive technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and scale benefit. Then the Malmquist index is used to compare the eastern part. The change trend of scientific research efficiency in the central and western regions from 2003 to 2012 and the analysis of the reasons. At the micro level, we also use DEA method to evaluate the input-output efficiency of 75 universities in 2014, and analyze the differences of scientific research efficiency between different types of universities and different geographical locations. Then the K-Means clustering method is used to analyze the scientific research input resources of 75 colleges and universities, which provides a relative reference standard for improving the efficiency of scientific research input-output colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the two stages of the allocation of scientific research resources and the scientific research activities in colleges and universities, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions and measures on the basis of which, so as to formulate and allocate scientific research resources for the country, the competent departments of education and colleges and universities. In order to improve the efficiency of input and output of scientific research in China, the policy of using scientific research resources provides theoretical and operational strategies.
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