[Abstract]:Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation announced the 2017 National Natural Science Foundation project review results. A total of 106 of the 311 projects declared by the Chinese University of Pharmacy received project support, an increase of 30 projects compared with 2016, an increase of 39.47. The direct funding for the project was 61.8042 million, an increase of 32.5327 million over 2016, an increase of 111.14.The bid winning rate was 34.08, much higher than the national average of 21.5 percent, and ranked first in all major colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province. The total number of projects, the number of large projects and the amount of financial assistance have all reached a new high in the history of our school. Among them, the number of projects has exceeded 100 for the first time, and the amount of financial assistance has broken through for the first time.
【作者单位】: 中国药科大学科学技术处;
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