发布时间:2018-01-05 05:32
本文关键词:当代中国教育公平:问题与制度选择 出处:《湘潭大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:教育之所以追求“公平”,是因为人们的受教育权被现代社会视为了一种“公民权利”,并受到法律的保护。实现教育公平,,则反映了一定社会制度下,国家机构对教育资源的均衡化、公平化的配置状态,是教育事业现代化的重要目标之一。然而,当前我国的教育不公问题却是时有发生,并集中体现在教育资源配置不均衡及受教育机会、权利不平等这两个方面。这也就引发了社会大众对我国教育事业发展“合理性”,尤其是现行教育制度体系的“公正性”的质疑。 教育制度能够为教育领域设置一种特定的“外在模式”,使教育系统在一个较为稳定的秩序下运作,并实现特定的教育目标——教育公平。因此,治理我国当前教育领域的不公问题的最有力的工具就是“教育制度”,要实现我国当代教育的公平,其现实选择必然是要依靠“制度建设”。但是,我国现实中的教育制度体系还尚存着诸多的不够成熟之处,具体有:基本教育制度不完备,教育控制制度滞后,教育保障制度缺位等问题。这些不成熟或缺陷,不仅造成了我国当前教育制度的“非公平”现实,更为教育主体的教育不公行为提供了可乘之机,使我国的教育公平建设重重受阻。 所以,我国的立法机关、政府及教育行政管理部门应直视当前在我国教育领域内存在的诸多不公现象,深入分析此类问题之所以产生的制度性根源,并进行有针对性的教育公平制度选择与安排,从而形成一个包括教育资源配置制度、教育补偿制度、教育管理制度、教育绩效管理制度、教育不公问责制度、教育监督制度、教育不公预警制度及教育类法律法规体系、教育执法制度等在内的完备的教育公平制度框架。以此来有效规范我国教育领域内不同教育主体的教育行为,督促他们积极践行教育公平,加快我国当代教育建设目标——教育公平的实现,使我国的教育发展更具有现实意义,使广大社会民众能够在公平的教育制度体系中去寻求、去感受我国教育公平的真谛。
[Abstract]:The reason why education pursues "fairness" is that people's right to receive education is regarded as a kind of "civil right" in modern society and protected by law. The equalization and fair allocation of educational resources by national institutions is one of the important goals of the modernization of education. However, at present, the problem of educational injustice occurs from time to time in our country. And concentrated in the allocation of educational resources imbalance and access to education opportunities, unequal rights of these two aspects, which also led to the social development of our education cause "rationality". In particular, the current education system of the "fairness" question. The education system can set up a specific "external mode" for the field of education, so that the education system can operate in a more stable order and achieve a specific educational goal-educational equity. The most powerful tool to deal with the unfair problems in the field of education in our country is the "educational system". In order to realize the fairness of contemporary education in China, the realistic choice must depend on the "system construction". There are still a lot of immaturity in the educational system of our country, such as the imperfection of the basic education system, the lagging of the educational control system, the absence of the educational security system, and so on. It not only causes the "unfair" reality of the current education system of our country, but also provides the opportunity for the education unfair behavior of the main body of education, and impedes the construction of the educational fairness in our country. Therefore, our legislative organs, the government and the educational administration departments should look directly at the current many unfair phenomena in the field of education in our country, and deeply analyze the institutional causes of such problems. And carry on the targeted education fair system choice and arrangement, thus form a system including education resources allocation system, education compensation system, education management system, education performance management system, education unfair accountability system. Education supervision system, education injustice warning system and educational laws and regulations system. In order to regulate the educational behavior of different subjects in the field of education effectively, we urge them to practice educational fairness actively. Speeding up the realization of educational equity, which is the goal of contemporary education construction in China, will make the development of education in our country more realistic and enable the general public to seek for it in a fair educational system. To feel the true meaning of education fairness in our country.
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