本文关键词: 六安市 农村 义务教育 调查 出处:《安徽大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The development of compulsory education in rural areas is not only conducive to promoting the development of rural economy, but also an important measure to realize educational equity and the essential requirement of socialist education. There are still many problems in rural compulsory education in China, but the quality of rural compulsory education and the quality of students are declining. 50% of our country's population is in rural areas, and rural compulsory education is an important part of national basic education. The quality of compulsory education in rural areas affects the reform and development of education in China to some extent. In recent years, with the continuous development of educational reform in China, the problem of rural education has been brought into the central vision of government work. On the basis of a social investigation, this paper makes a deep excavation on the present situation of rural compulsory education in Lu'an City, Anhui Province. On the basis of the current academic research, combined with the relevant literature and the current compulsory education policies and regulations, Taking the current situation of rural compulsory education in Lu'an as the starting point, this paper probes into the problems existing in rural compulsory education. Firstly, the structure of teachers is unreasonable; secondly, the majority of school-going children are left-behind children. The problem of physical and mental health has not received attention; there is a deviation in the direction of re-investment. There is a bias in the direction of re-investment. Although the state has increased its investment in rural compulsory education, it has done things according to the regulations because of its rigid investment. As a result, there is a problem in the direction of investment, and a large amount of money has not produced the expected effect. Then, the questionnaire is designed by looking up the data and analyzing the problem, and the questionnaire is qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. At last, the author analyzes the problems existing in the rural compulsory education, and then puts forward the corresponding measures and countermeasures to solve the problems. By digging into the most root causes of the present situation of the compulsory education in rural areas, Attempts to solve the rural compulsory education present situation method and the way.
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