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发布时间:2016-10-27 14:17



学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 音乐教育;创新;理论与实践  
导师 曹理郑莉  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学

中文摘要创新是历史前进的车轮。世界各国纷纷意识到创新的重要性并积极推进创新。教育创新是社会发展的必然与新世纪的抉择,是当今教育研究及深化教育改革与发展中的热点话题之一。创造性人才的培养呼唤创新教育,创新教育呼唤创新型教师和创新音乐教育,创新音乐教育呼唤音乐教育创新的理论与实践研究。 面对世界范围内教育改革的浪潮,我国各科教学都在积极推进创新,而本身具有创造性的音乐教育在培养人的创新精神和和实践能力方面更有着其他学科不可替代的特殊作用,所以,研究音乐教育创新的理论与实践问题具有划时代的意义。 目前音乐教育创新的理论与实践已有初步的研究,,但不够全面、深入,所以本文就音乐教育创新的理念、创新型音乐教师、音乐教育创新的途径与方法等理论与实践问题加以系统研究,并提出音乐教育创新过程中的几点困惑,就教于同仁。另外,本文的第二部分“创新型教师(创新型音乐教师的素质建构)”一文荣获第三届全国音乐教育论文比赛一等奖。  

英文摘要 Creativity is the motivation for the development of history, which has come into the awareness of the whole world and advocated by all the countries. Creativity in education is a must and an inevitable choice for the new century, a central concern for today's educational study and further reform and development. The cultivation of creative talents calls for creative education, which in turns needs original teaching forces and fresh music education, entailing the theory and practice study in this field. Facing the tide of educational reform worldwide, active creative programs in education has been advancing progressively in China. Music education, which possesses creativity itself, is playing an indispensable role in fostering creativity and capability in practice. Therefore, the study of the theory and practice of music creation is epoch-making. In view of the fact that there have been some theories and practice for music creation, this paper intends to present systematically study to the concepts of creative music education and the creative music teachers, the new means and approaches of creative music education. It also tries to the confusions in the process of creative music education in the hope of soliciting wisdom from my fellow professionals. In addition, the second part of this paper "Creative Music Teachers(quality construction of creative music teachers)" was awarded the first-class prize by the Third National Music Education Thesis Contest.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10028.2.2002.3545  






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