本文选题:公民教育 切入点:“世界公民” 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:20世纪末,世界经济呈现出全球化发展趋势,世界各国的经济发展日益成为紧密联系的一个整体。受世界经济全球化的影响,世界各国之间以经济为桥梁与纽带,在政治、文化、科技等各领域的联系得到加强,,进而使世界各国成为一个互相依存的整体。进入21世纪,人们生活于其中的当今世界,业己是一个处于全球化浪潮中的不可分割的整体,它被众多学者们描述为“全球公民社会”、“世界公民社会”、“全球共同体”、“地球村”、“世界共和国”等等。 全球化对所有国家及其国民都提出了尖锐的挑战,不论是哪个民族或哪个国家的哪个人,都将从一国的“国民”或“公民”变成全球的“村民”或世界的“公民”。全球化造就了“世界公民”的角色需求。“世界公民”要求一国的公民要具有面向世界的观念和相应的能力,不仅要履行作为世界一员的义务,还要在国家和全球的双重范畴下寻求和维护自己的权利。与“世界公民”的现实需求相适应,强调培养具有世界视野和全球意识的“世界公民”教育应运而生。 本文以“世界公民”教育思想为主要研究对象,试图厘清“世界公民”教育思想的发展脉络,剖析“世界公民”教育思想的内涵与特征,分析“世界公民”教育思想所产生的思想张力与局限,以及“世界公民”教育思想面临的挑战与机遇。全文共分为五个部分: 第一部分是绪论。这一部分呈现的是整个研究的前提与基础,包括研究的缘起、研究的意义、文献综述,概念界定、以及研究的思路与方法。 第二部分是“世界公民”教育思想的产生及演进。该部分内容主要梳理并厘清“世界公民”教育思想的发展脉络,将其依时序划分为“世界公民”教育思想的蕴育(1950年以前)、生成(1950年至20世纪70年代)、发展(20世纪70年代至90年代)及兴起(20世纪90年代至今),并阐述了不同发展时期的代表性思想,包括夸美纽斯、康德、哈贝马斯、玛莎·纳斯鲍姆、奥特弗利德·赫费以及联合国教科文组织等的“世界公民”教育思想。 第三部分是“世界公民”教育思想的内涵与特征。“世界公民”教育思想对“世界公民”身份以及“世界公民”的培养都有其新的理解与解读。关于“世界公民”身份,“世界公民”教育思想认为,现代公民拥有多元公民身份,“世界公民”身份是现代公民多元身份中的一个。现代公民生活场域业已成为了一个世界或全球的场域,因此,从世界的角度解读现代公民身份成为必需。“世界公民”的权利将从国家公民权走向人权,“世界公民”的义务也将突破只指向民族国家的义务走向全球义务。关于“世界公民”的培养,“世界公民”教育思想认为,公民教育是一种培养人性的教育。人性是人的普遍共性,具有高度的抽象性。这种高度抽象的人性体现在具体的每个人身上时,就表现为人的个性。因此,教育要培养人性,就其根本而言,就是教育要培养个性。个性的发展才使人成为拥有自由思想、掌握自己理性的自由公民。为此,公民教育要培养公民的思维能力,包括批判性思维能力、叙事想象力等。而这些能力的培养则需要重视通过人文学科来实现。与传统的公民教育思想相比,“世界公民”教育思想具有超越性与现实性的特征。 第四部分是“世界公民”教育思想的张力及有限性。该部分内容首先从两个方面阐述了“世界公民”教育思想的影响,即“世界公民”教育思想在理论研究领域中的影响,与在教育实践领域中的影响。“世界公民”教育思想对理论研究产生了重要影响,包括为对教育理论研究的影响,与对其他理论研究的影响,尤其是世界政治关系研究领域。“世界公民”教育思想对教育实践也产生了重要影响,一方面表现在以联合国教科文组织为代表的国际组织开展了“世界公民”教育实践,另一方面表现在世界许多国家与地区所进行的“世界公民”教育实践,如美国与我国香港地区等。然后该部分阐述了“世界公民”教育思想的有限性,包括在理论完善与指导实践两个方面的有限性。 第五部分是“世界公民”教育思想面临的挑战与机遇。“世界公民”教育思想是一个动态的发展过程,其未来发展将是一个挑战与机遇并存的过程。“世界公民”教育思想当前所面临的挑战,一是“世界公民”教育思想需要继续深入思考解决几对关系问题,其次是“世界公民”教育思想的发展受到当前人类社会发展阶段的制约。“世界公民”教育思想未来发展也面临着重要机遇。在世界发展“全球化”的动态进程中,整个世界与全人类成为了前所未有的命运共同体,这种世界意识与人类整体意识的提升正是“世界公民”教育思想未来发展所需求的与所追求的。
[Abstract]:At the end of twentieth Century, the world economy shows the trend of globalization, the world economic development has become a whole closely linked. Affected by the globalization of the world economy, between countries in the world economy as the bridge and the link, in the political, cultural, science and technology in all areas of contact has been strengthened, so as to make the world become a interdependent whole. In twenty-first Century, people living in the world where the industry has is an integral whole in the tide of globalization, it is described that many scholars as the "global civil society", "world citizen society", "global community", "global village", "Republic of the world China" and so on.
Globalization has raised serious challenges for all countries and their citizens, regardless of which nation or country, will be from a country's "national" or "citizen" into the world "villagers" or "world citizen". Globalization created a "world citizen" role "citizens of the world demand." for a country's citizens to have world oriented concept and the corresponding ability, as a member of the world not only to fulfill the obligations, but also to seek in the dual category of national and global and safeguard their rights. And the "world citizen" to adapt to the reality of demand, emphasize the development with a global view and the global consciousness "world citizen" education came into being.
Based on the "world citizen" education as the main research object, trying to clarify the development of world citizen education thought, analyzes the connotation and feature of "world citizen" education and the analysis of "ideological tension and limitations arising from a citizen of the world" education and the challenges and opportunities faced by and the "world citizen" education thought the text is divided into five parts:
The first part is the introduction. This part presents the premise and foundation of the whole research, including the origin of the research, the significance of the research, the literature review, the definition of the concept, and the train of thought and method of the research.
The second part is "the generation and evolution of educational thought of citizen of the world". This part mainly combs and clarify the development of world citizen education thought, which according to the sequence is divided into "world citizen" education breeds (before 1950) (1950 to 1970s), generation, development (1970s to 90s) and the rise (since 1990s), and describes the representative of different stages of development, including Comenius, Kant, Habermas, Martha Nussbaum, Otfried Hoffe and UNESCO "world citizen" education thought.
The third part is the connotation and feature of "world citizen" education thought. "World citizen" education thought of "world citizen" identity and "world citizen" culture has its new understanding and interpretation. On the "world citizen" identity, "world citizen" education thought, modern citizens with multiple citizenship. "World citizen" identity is a modern citizen. In the multi identity of modern citizen life field has become a world or global field, therefore, from the perspective of world interpretation of modern citizenship has become essential. "World citizens" rights to human rights from the state of civil rights, "world citizen" the obligation will also break through the national compulsory only pointing towards global obligations. Training on "world citizen", "citizen of the world" education thought, civic education is a kind of culture of humanity education. Human nature is the common people, with high abstract. This highly abstract human nature reflected in each specific body, on the performance of the human personality. Therefore, education is to develop the human nature, is the fundamental, is the education to cultivate personality. Personality development will make people to have freedom of thought master, my rational free citizens. Therefore, civic education to cultivate citizen's thinking ability, including the ability of critical thinking and narrative imagination. But these abilities are realized by the need to pay attention to the humanities. Compared with the traditional thought of civic education thought, "world citizen" education thought has the characteristics of transcendence and reality.
The fourth part is the "world citizen" education and the tension and limitation. The first part from two aspects of the influence of "world citizen" education and the influence of "world citizen" in the ideological education in the field of theoretical research, and influence in the field of educational practice. "World citizen" Education thought have an important impact on theoretical research, including the influence on education theory research, and other theoretical research influence, especially the research field of the world political relations. "World citizen" Education Thought on education practice has had a major impact, one hand on the UNESCO International Organizations on behalf of the to carry out the practice of "world citizen" education, on the other hand, carried out in many countries and regions of the world citizen education practice, such as the United States and China's Hongkong region. Then This part expounds the limited nature of the "world citizen" education thought, including the two aspects of the theoretical perfection and the practice of guiding practice.
The fifth part is the challenges and opportunities facing the world citizen education thought. "World citizen" education is a dynamic process of development, its future development is a process of challenge and opportunity. "World citizen" education and the current challenges, one is the "world citizen" education needs to solve the problem of deep thinking on the relationship, followed by development of "world citizen" education is restricted by the current human society development stage. "World citizen" education and future development is also facing important opportunities. The dynamic process of the development of "globalization" in the world, the whole world and all mankind has become a hitherto unknown fate community, the consciousness of the whole world consciousness and human ascension is the "world citizen" education thought of the requirements for future development and pursuit.
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