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发布时间:2018-04-04 19:05

  本文选题:初中生 切入点:学校社区感 出处:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前,关于初中生心理健康与相关因素的研究不少,家庭、学校、同伴等因素都有涉及,但大多数研究都只考察了某一单一因素的影响,缺乏探讨多个相关因素的综合作用对心理健康影响的研究。鉴于此,本研究试图探讨学校社区感、父亲依恋、母亲依恋和同伴依恋及心理健康之间的关系,研究采用的是问卷调查法,利用SPSS19.0对所得数据进行分析后,得出以下结论: 1、男生在偏执、情绪不平衡因子得分上显著高于女生,在心理健康总分及其他因子上,男女生之间差异不显著。 2、初二学生的心理健康状况好于初三学生,且差异显著。在焦虑、适应不良、心理不平衡上,初三学生的得分高于初二学生,且差异显著。在人际关系敏感与紧张、抑郁上,初三学生得分也高于初二学生,且差异极其显著。 3、学校社区感总分及各维度得分的性别差异不显著。 4、学校社区感总分、学校社区分量及各维度得分的年级差异不显著。初三年级学生的课堂社区总分显著高于初二学生,课堂社会社区因子分高于初二学生,且差异极其显著。 5、父亲依恋的性别差异不显著,,女生对母亲和同伴的依恋高于男生,且差异及其显著。 6、父亲依恋、母亲依恋和同伴依恋的年级差异不显著。 7、除了学校社会社区与课堂社会社区之外,心理健康总分与学校社区感总分及其他维度上呈现极其显著的负相关。心理健康与依恋之间分存在及其显著的负相关。课堂社会社区与父亲依恋和母亲依恋相关不显著,与同伴依恋相关显著,学校社区感的其他维度与依恋存在及其显著的正相关。 8、学校社区感在依恋与心理健康的关系之中起到部分中介作用。
[Abstract]:At present, many researches on mental health of junior middle school students and the related factors of family, school, peer and other factors are involved, but most studies have only investigated the effect of a single factor, the lack of research to explore the effect of comprehensive effect of multiple factors related to mental health. In view of this, this study attempts to explore the school community sense, the relationship between father attachment, mother attachment and peer attachment and mental health research, using the questionnaire, the data were analyzed by SPSS19.0, draw the following conclusions:
1, boys were bigoted in paranoia, and the score of emotional imbalance was significantly higher than that of girls. There was no significant difference between male and female in the total score of mental health and other factors.
2, the mental health status of students in middle school students, and the difference was significant. In anxiety, maladjustment, psychological imbalance, middle school students scored higher than junior high school students, and the difference was significant. In interpersonal sensitivity and tension, depression, middle school students scored higher than that of the first two students, and the difference is extremely significant.
3, there is no significant difference in gender differences between the total score of school community sense and the scores of each dimension.
4, the total score of school community sense, the scale of school community and the scores of all dimensions are not significant. The total score of classroom community in junior grade 3 is significantly higher than that of junior grade two.
5, the sex difference between fathers' attachment is not significant, and the attachment of girls to mothers and peers is higher than that of boys, and the differences and differences are significant.
6, father attachment, mother attachment and peer attachment were not significant.
7, in addition to the school community and classroom social community, mental health score and total score of sense of school community and other dimensions showed extremely significant negative correlation between mental health and attachment points. And significant negative correlation is not significant. The classroom social community and father attachment, mother attachment, peer attachment and significant. There is a significant positive correlation and the other dimensions of school sense of community and attachment.
8, school community sense plays a part of mediating role in the relationship between attachment and mental health.



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