本文选题:教育扩张 + 教育机会不均等 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:中央政府在上世纪90年代末推动了一系列教育改革,使得这段时期的中国教育发展呈现出两个明显特征:一是非义务教育机会总量大幅增加,这是通过短期内大规模高校扩招和大幅提高初中毕业升学率来实现的,最明显的是大学入学率由1998年的46.1%急升到1999年的63.8%。二是教育机会的分配出现了明显不利于社会经济资源处于劣势家庭孩子的迹象。在高等教育成本迅速增加的同时,在另一端推行“双向选择,自主择业”的就业制度,大学生“就业难”问题随之出现,使得劣势群体获得高等教育预期收益的风险大大提升。 本文要探索的问题是,在入学门槛不断降低,同时教育成本上升与预期收益不确定性增加,以及农村地区内部社会分化加剧的大背景下,中国农村内部教育机会不均等将如何变化?这种变化又与上述教育政策的实施有何内在联系?当前农村地区仍存大量教育不平等现象(如初中辍学),又与哪些家庭背景因素有关呢?一个进一步的问题是,这一时期教育机会分配结构的变动,对正逐步走向阶层分化的农村地区收入分配变动又有何影响? 与大多数研究基于对各阶段教育转换或最终受教育水平进行回归分析,并间接推断各种因素对机会不均等变动影响的思路不同,本文主要采取了基于同胞相关系数与多层线性模型的机会不均等因素分解方法。首先,在CHNS跟踪调查数据的基础上构建了70后与80后两个出生同期群的相关数据集,采用分同期群研究变动趋势的通行办法,应用组内相关系数、多层方差成分模型、多层logistic随机截距模型等国际主流统计方法,借鉴并改进了将同胞相关系数与多层模型相结合的机会不均等分解思路,深入分析了这一时期农村地区由家庭背景与社区环境所带来的教育机会不均等的变化趋势及内在机理,同时考察了这种教育机会分配的变动对农村地区收入获取机会不均等变动的影响。上述研究思路的主要优势在于直接考察背景因素对教育机会不均等的贡献,而非通过其对教育机会的影响来进行间接推断,本文的分析结果也验证了后者存在产生有冲突结论的缺陷。 在导论、文献综述和方法介绍三章之后,具体分析的行文安排如下:第四章考察整体教育机会不均等,及其两个组成部分(家庭效应与社区效应)各自的变化趋势;第五章对整体教育机会不均等及其变动进行静态与动态因素分解,直接分析各可观测家庭特征变量对教育机会不均等变动的贡献,同时探寻近期仍然重要的教育机会不均等因子。第六章进一步分析“完成义务教育”、“接受非义务教育”和“接受高等教育”三个层面教育机会获取不均等的变化趋势,并从可观测家庭特征变量角度间接考察各家庭背景因素对各层面教育机会不均等变动的可能影响。第七章基于青少年时期家庭背景与个人收入的匹配信息对同胞收入相关系数进行静态与动态因素分解,着重考察教育在家庭背景与个人收入之间的中介作用,以及教育分布对收入获取机会不均等变动的影响。 基于上述分析得到的经验结果,本文得到了如下几点主要结论: (1)从现状来看,中国农村地区的整体教育机会不均等有所缓解,但分层次来看,下降趋势主要体现在义务教育阶段,中等教育机会不均等可能有所上升,而高等教育机会不均等则有大幅上升趋势。 (2)各项教育改革措施对教育机会不均等的影响不同。首先,教育扩张对较低层次教育机会均等化有正向效应,即义务教育的推广普及与高级中等教育的扩张确实对对应层面教育机会的均等化有明显促进作用,而教育费用与大学就业政策方面的教育改革则不利于义务教育的普及化以及较高层面教育机会的均等化。 (3)80后群体仍然面临着父亲职业地位、家庭收入水平、户籍、母亲受教育年限,以及社区环境所带来的教育机会不均等。其中,家庭收入水平对完成义务教育有持续增强的影响,父亲职业地位对完成义务教育与高中(中专)入学有增强的效应,户籍因素主要影响高中(中专)和大学教育机会,而母亲受教育水平显著影响各个层面教育机会的获得。 (4)农村地区的收入获取机会不均等程度在考察期间有较大幅度上升,家庭收入水平、户籍与民族影响力的增加是其中的一部分原因,但教育在当前家庭收入的代际传承或者民族间收入差距的形成中几乎不发挥作用,而户籍因素对收入获取机会的影响主要通过影响教育机会来实现。 (5)整体教育机会不均等的下降带来了教育水平分布不均等程度的下降,但教育分布对收入获取机会不均等的上升仍起促进作用,原因是这一时期教育收益的上升扩大了教育不平等对收入不平等的影响力。 (6)与其它因素不同,母亲在孩子青少年时期参与非农就业对80后群体的教育与收入获取机会均等化都有显著的正向效应,并且其对收入获取机会均等化的正向效应部分是通过影响教育机会来实现的。与对教育机会获得正向影响不同,母亲的这一行为对孩子成年后收入获取却有负向影响,可能只是因为对优势家庭孩子的不利影响更大,故有利于收入获取机会的均等化。 本文在上述研究结论基础上得到了几点政策含义,以期为进一步缩小农村地区各层次教育机会不均等,促进农村地区社会流动提供参考。
[Abstract]:The central government has promoted a series of educational reforms in the late 1990s , so that the development of China ' s education in this period has two obvious characteristics : one is that the total amount of non - compulsory education increases sharply , the most obvious is that the university enrollment rate is increased from 46.1 % in 1998 to 63.8 % in 1999 .
In this paper , how to change the educational opportunities in rural areas is related to the increase of educational cost and the uncertainty of expected return , as well as the increase of the internal social differentiation in rural areas . What is the further problem is that the change of educational opportunities distribution structure in rural areas has an impact on the change of income distribution in rural areas that are moving towards the class gradually .
On the basis of CHNS tracking survey data , a series of factors such as unequal opportunity disparity between family background and multi - layer linear model are analyzed . The main advantage of this research is to directly investigate the contribution of the background factors to the unequal opportunities of income acquisition in rural areas .
After the introduction of the introduction , the literature review and the introduction of the three chapters , the text of the detailed analysis is as follows : Chapter IV examines the disparity of overall educational opportunities and its two components ( family effects and community effects ) ;
In chapter 5 , the author analyzes the influences of different family background factors on the change of educational opportunities , such as unequal access to educational opportunities , and explores the possible effects of different family background factors on the unequal access to educational opportunities at all levels . Chapter 7 further analyzes the effects of family background and individual income on the changes of educational opportunities in different levels . Chapter 7 focuses on the mediating effect between family background and individual income , and the influence of educational distribution on the unequal access to income .
Based on the empirical results obtained from the above analysis , the following main conclusions are obtained :
( 1 ) In view of the present situation , the overall educational opportunities in rural areas of China have been alleviated , but in terms of sub - level , the downward trend is mainly reflected in the compulsory education stage , the unequal opportunities of secondary education , etc . , and the unequal opportunities of higher education .
( 2 ) The impact of educational reform measures on unequal educational opportunities is different . First , the expansion of education has positive effects on the equalization of educational opportunities at lower levels , that is , the popularization of compulsory education and the expansion of advanced secondary education do play a significant role in the equalization of educational opportunities at the corresponding levels , while the educational reform in education expense and employment policy of universities is not conducive to the popularization of compulsory education and the equalization of educational opportunities at higher levels .
( 3 ) The post - 80s group still faces the father ' s occupation status , family income level , household register , mother ' s schooling life , and the unequal educational opportunities brought by the community environment .
( 4 ) The unequal distribution of income acquisition opportunities in rural areas has increased significantly during the study period , and the increase of family income level , household registration and national influence is part of the reasons , but education has little effect in the generation of current family income or the formation of inter - ethnic income gap , and the influence of household factors on income acquisition opportunities is mainly realized by influencing educational opportunities .
( 5 ) The decline of educational level and uneven distribution of educational level caused the decline of educational level and uneven distribution of educational level . The reason is that the increase of educational income in this period has expanded the influence of education inequality on income inequality .
( 6 ) Unlike other factors , mother ' s participation in non - farm employment during adolescence and adolescence has a significant positive effect on the equalization of education and income acquisition opportunities in the 1980s , and its positive impact on income acquisition opportunities is achieved through the impact of educational opportunities . Unlike the positive impact on educational opportunities , the parent ' s behavior has a negative impact on the child ' s post - adult income acquisition , possibly just because of the greater adverse impact on the children of the dominant family , which is conducive to the equalization of income acquisition opportunities .
On the basis of the above research conclusion , this paper has got several policy meanings , with a view to further reducing the unequal educational opportunities in rural areas , and promoting the reference of social mobility in rural areas .
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