本文选题:柯氏模型 + 培训评估 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着培训与发展领域标准化和专业化程度的不断提高,培训评估在证明培训有效性和促进组织绩效改进等方面的作用愈加明显,如何进行合理有效的培训评估成为了专业培训人员所面临的重要课题。目前,在培训评估中应用最广泛的是Kirkpatrick培训评估模型,然而,,培训人员对模型的认识等方面有着诸多误区和争议,模型的实际应用也存在着评估层次不全面、评估层次不深入和评估方法手段不完善等不足。因此,对Kirkpatrick评估模型的发展演变进行梳理,通过具体案例分析来确定其应用现状,总结相关应用经验原则,并在此基础上提出针对性的改进策略,这对于推动培训评估的发展有着重要意义。 本文主要由五部分组成,相应的内容如下: 第一部分,笔者分析了当今培训与发展领域所面临的挑战以及Kirkpatrick评估模型的应用现状,简述了关于模型的主要争议和关键问题,并对柯氏模型的相关文献研究加以概述。 第二部分,笔者对Kirkpatrick模型的产生和发展进行梳理,介绍了其思想起源、发展阶段、主要著作以及相关概念与争议。然后,笔者从评估层次的基本含义、关于模型的假设、模型的改进和期望回报率等方面对柯氏模型进行全面解读。 第三部分,笔者重点选取了国外企业应用柯氏模型的四个典型案例,分别是思科的在线Return-to-Vendor培训项目,Gap公司Leadership Training forSupervisors培训项目,美国管理大学Action E-Learning项目和加拿大安大略省烟草研究中心(OTRU)的在线控烟课程。案例分析主要由绩效差距分析、培训设计实施流程、四个层次评估和模型应用策略分析总结四方面组成。案例重点评析反应层、学习层、行为层和结果层四层次的评估环节,分析其具体的策略、方法和工具,并在此基础上进行归纳和总结。 第四部分,笔者在典型案例分析的基础上,分别从培训理念,培训流程和反应层、学习层、行为层和结果层四个层次评估等方面进行总结,从中归纳出应用柯氏模型的原则、工具和方法,并藉此提出针对性的应用策略。 第五部分,笔者对柯氏模型的发展趋势和研究空间进行了预测和展望。
[Abstract]:With the increasing standardization and specialization in the field of training and development, the role of training assessments in proving the effectiveness of training and promoting organizational performance improvements has become increasingly evident. How to carry out reasonable and effective training evaluation has become an important issue for professional trainers. At present, Kirkpatrick training evaluation model is the most widely used in training evaluation. However, there are many misunderstandings and controversies in training personnel's understanding of the model, and the practical application of the model is not comprehensive. The evaluation level is not deep and the evaluation method is not perfect and so on. Therefore, the development and evolution of Kirkpatrick evaluation model are combed, the application status of Kirkpatrick evaluation model is determined by specific case analysis, the relevant application experience principles are summarized, and the corresponding improvement strategies are put forward. This is of great significance to promote the development of training evaluation. This paper is composed of five parts. The corresponding contents are as follows: in the first part, the author analyzes the challenges in the field of training and development and the application of Kirkpatrick evaluation model. In this paper, the main controversy and key problems about the model are briefly introduced, and the related literature research on the model is summarized. In the second part, the author combs the origin and development of Kirkpatrick model, introduces the origin, stage of development, main works, related concepts and controversies of Kirkpatrick model. Then, the author interprets Koch's model from the following aspects: the basic meaning of evaluation level, the hypothesis of the model, the improvement of the model and the expected rate of return. In the third part, the author chooses four typical cases of overseas enterprises' application of Koch model, namely Cisco's online Return-to-Vendor training project, Gap leadership training for Supervisors. The Action E-Learning Program at the American University of Management and the online tobacco control course at the Ontario Tobacco Research Center, Canada. Case analysis consists of performance gap analysis, training design and implementation process, four levels of evaluation and model application strategy analysis and summary. The case focuses on the evaluation links of reaction layer, learning layer, behavior layer and result layer, and analyzes their specific strategies, methods and tools, and then summarizes and summarizes them. In the fourth part, on the basis of the typical case analysis, the author summarizes the training idea, training process and reaction layer, learning layer, behavior layer and result layer, and concludes the principles of applying the Ke model. Tools and methods, and thus put forward targeted application strategies. In the fifth part, the author forecasts and prospects the development trend and research space of Koch model.
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