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发布时间:2018-08-08 19:27
【摘要】:教育公平不仅是关系到每个家庭每个人的现实问题,而且还是关系到民族发展、国家前途命运和长治久安的社会历史问题。促进教育公平是保障社会公平、构建和谐社会的必然要求。西藏对中国至关重要,加大西藏教育事业发展力度,促进西藏教育公平,对西藏的发展稳定有着十分重要的影响。西藏教育发展的基础是全国最为薄弱的,发展难度是全国最大的,教育的城乡差距也是全国最大的,巨大的城乡教育差距已经让一些农牧区学校面临生存危机。科学发展观的提出和贯彻实施,为西藏教育公平的推进提供了新思路。因此,将西藏教育公平纳入科学发展观视野就是要以科学发展观为指导,以科学发展观的要求推进教育公平的实现。西藏社会、经济发展不平衡导致西藏教育发展的不平衡,城乡差距大、区域差异大是突出的特点。未来的西藏教育,应当以科学发展观为指导,实事求是的面对不同地区的发展水平,,切实可行地选择教育发展战略,使有限的教育经费能得到合理利用,取得较好的社会效果。在考虑西藏未来教育发展的区域布局时,既要根据各地经济、文化水平制定不同的教育发展目标、布局规模和组织形式,又要考虑到发展西藏教育在改变当地社会经济差异和文化格局中的积极作用,从而不断缩小城乡差距、地区差异,推进教育公平。 本文共分为四章:第一章绪论,介绍了本文的选题依据、文献综述、研究方法以及本研究的意义所在。第二章对科学发展观与西藏教育公平的相关性进行了论述,科学发展观确立了推进西藏教育公平的价值导向,科学发展观指明了推进西藏教育公平的根本途径,科学发展观为西藏教育公平的推进提供了科学的指导方法。第三章通过问卷调查、田野调查、等方法对西藏教育存在的教育资源配置不均衡等问题及这些问题出现的原因进行了分析。第四章主要是针对第三章提到的问题和对其原因分析的基础上以科学发展观为指导,结合西藏实际情况,为推进西藏教育公平提出了实质性的建议。
[Abstract]:Education equity is not only a realistic problem for every family, but also a social and historical problem related to the development of the nation, the future of the country and the long-term stability of the country. To promote educational fairness is an inevitable requirement to ensure social fairness and build a harmonious society. Tibet is of great importance to China. Increasing the development of education in Tibet and promoting education equity in Tibet will have a very important impact on the development and stability of Tibet. The foundation of education development in Tibet is the weakest in the whole country, the difficulty of development is the biggest in the country, and the gap between urban and rural education is the biggest in China. The huge gap between urban and rural education has made some schools in rural and pastoral areas face survival crisis. Putting forward and carrying out the scientific development view provides a new idea for the promotion of education equity in Tibet. Therefore, to bring Tibetan education equity into the vision of scientific development view is to take the scientific development view as the guide and to promote the realization of education equity according to the demand of scientific development view. The imbalance of social and economic development in Tibet leads to the unbalanced development of education in Tibet. The future education of Tibet should be guided by the scientific development view, face the development level of different regions realistically, choose the education development strategy practically and make the limited education funds be used reasonably and obtain better social effect. In considering the regional layout of Tibet's future educational development, it is necessary to formulate different educational development objectives, layout scale and organizational forms according to the local economic and cultural levels. It is also necessary to consider the positive role of developing education in Tibet in changing the local social and economic differences and cultural patterns, thus continuously narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, regional differences, and promoting education equity. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter introduces the basis of the topic, literature review, research methods and the significance of this study. The second chapter discusses the correlation between the scientific concept of development and the equity of education in Tibet. The concept of scientific development establishes the value orientation of promoting the equity of education in Tibet, and the scientific concept of development points out the fundamental way to promote the equity of education in Tibet. The concept of scientific development provides a scientific guiding method for the promotion of education equity in Tibet. The third chapter analyzes the problems and the causes of these problems by means of questionnaire, field investigation and other methods. The fourth chapter is mainly aimed at the problems mentioned in the third chapter and the analysis of its causes. Based on the guidance of the scientific development view and the actual situation of Tibet, the author puts forward some substantive suggestions for promoting the education equity in Tibet.


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