[Abstract]:In religion, culture and moral relations have always been the object of study by religious scholars. Religious beliefs have a controlling effect on believers, but we should find that in these religions, believers are very religious about what they have learned in religious beliefs. The purpose of this paper is to analyze some phenomena in religious belief in order to find out the educational phenomenon or the factors that will help moral education, and to further analyze these factors, and to find out the nature and causes of their occurrence. In order to achieve the school moral education to provide the available material. It is hoped that the positive factors of promoting moral education in schools can be drawn from these materials. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, as an introduction, lays the foundation for the following discussion. This chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of writing. In the big situation, people's moral behavior is more and more criticized, moral education should be changed to strengthen people's moral concept and moral behavior binding force. The research situation at home and abroad is divided into two parts: theory and practice. The second chapter analyzes the phenomenon of education in religious belief from the angle of pedagogy, and expounds it from three aspects: educator, object and content of education. The emergence of these educational phenomena makes it possible for us to seek help in education from religion. The two are intrinsically related, which provides the possibility for us to seek help from them. The third chapter analyzes the phenomena in religion in several aspects, and extracts the essence of some phenomena, hoping to bring these materials into moral education. The third chapter, as the finishing touch of this paper, is the last analysis on the basis of the previous two chapters. This paper discusses the most basic belief in religious belief, God, etiquette and precepts, missionaries and religious places. The third chapter mainly carries on the analysis from the religion aspect.
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