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发布时间:2018-09-17 13:13
【摘要】:在发展心理学中,母婴依恋(infant-mother attachment)特指婴儿与其母亲之间所存在的特殊和强烈的情感关系。Bowlby创建了依恋理论,用来解释婴儿对母亲等照顾者的依恋行为和由分离产生的焦虑;并且,依恋理论认为婴儿可以把依恋对象作为一个进行探索活动的“安全基地(security base)",其与照顾者的重复交往经历会内化成一种工作模型,这种“内在工作模型(internal working model)”逐渐被整合到人格结构中去,进而影响儿童的情感、认知和行为等各方面的发展。 依恋理论的一个重要发展是Ainsworth创建了对依恋安全性和个体差异性进行测量的“陌生情境法(Strange Situation Procedure, SSP)"以及分类系统,把婴儿与照顾者之间的关系区分为三种不同的依恋类型,即:B型(Secure,安全型)A型(Avoidant,回避型)和C型(Resistant,反抗型),后两种类型为不安全依恋类型。后来,Main等人又区分出第四种新的不安全依恋类型,即:D型(Disorganized,混乱型)。不同类型的依恋关系反映了不同类型的内部工作模式。 依恋理论和方法学的建立,大大推动了儿童依恋领域的研究,包括依恋的跨文化研究,依恋的影响因素及其神经心理机制的研究,依恋对儿童情感、认知和行为发展等方面的研究,但我国特别是儿童保健领域在这方面的关注和研究可谓刚刚开始。 本研究将通过在上海选取健康的母婴对,对12-18个月婴儿和其母亲之间的依恋类型和特征进行测评及分析,同时通过测评婴儿的气质特点,母亲看护行为的敏感性、母亲的人格特征、母亲自身的依恋模式、父母的婚姻质量及调查其它家庭养育因素如父母生育年龄、文化程度、经济水平、母亲工作状况、主要带养人和带养方式等,探讨我国母婴依恋关系可能的影响因素;进而纵向随访幼儿期儿童与母亲的依恋关系,儿童的认知和行为发展的结果,探讨早期母婴依恋质量对儿童后期情感、认知和行为发展的影响作用,以及依恋跨时间的稳定性等。 主要研究内容和研究结果如下: 1.母婴依恋的类型和分布特征 通过选取上海160对健康的母婴对,采用陌生情境法对12-18个月婴儿和其母亲之间的依恋类型和特征进行测评及分析,结果发现: (1)B型占68.2%,A型占7.5%,C型占21.8%,D型占2.5%。可见,安全型即B型最多,占主导地位。而在不安全型依恋类型中,C型占绝对优势,然后是A型,D型则最少。 (2)男孩和女孩的母婴依恋安全性无显著性的性别差异,不安全依恋类型中,A型、C型和D型的分布亦无显著性的性别差异(P0.05)。 2.母婴依恋关系的影响因素 对160对健康母婴对,进一步采用Carey气质问卷测评婴儿气质特点;采用母亲行为Q分类量表测评母亲对小儿看护的敏感性;采用艾森克人格问卷测评母亲的人格特征;采用Olson婚姻质量问卷测评父母亲的婚姻质量;并采用自制问卷调查小儿的其它家庭养育因素如父母的生育年龄、文化程度、家庭结构、家庭收入、母亲的工作状况、父亲的参与度、主要带养人和带养方式等,力求探讨婴儿与母亲双方的特点以及其它家庭养育因素对母-婴依恋关系的形成及其质量的影响作用。结果显示: (1)安全型依恋婴儿的趋避性气质维度得分明显低于不安全型婴儿,差异有非常显著性意义(p0.01);特别地,反抗型依恋的婴儿比回避型依恋的婴儿表现出更高水平的反应强度,差异有显著性意义(p0.05) (2)安全型婴儿的母亲其敏感性分数明显高于不安全型婴儿的母亲,差异有非常显著性意义(p0.01)。 (3)安全型婴儿和不安全型婴儿的母亲,其人格特征中的E、N、P、L四因素的得分经t检验,差异均无显著性意义(p0.05)。 (4)安全型依恋婴儿的母亲对婚姻的满意度明显高于不安全依恋婴儿的母亲,差异有显著性意义(p0.05)。 (5)不安全型婴儿的主要带养人数明显多于安全型婴儿,差异有显著性意义(p0.05);且不安全型依恋的婴儿中,与其他带养人同睡的情况较安全型婴儿较多见,经卡方检验,χ2=6.955,P0.05。而父母的生育年龄,受教育的水平、家庭月收入、母亲在职或在家的工作状况、父亲的参与度等这些因素在安全型依恋婴儿和不安全依恋型婴儿中,差异均未见显著性意义(p0.05)。 3.依恋的代际传递性和稳定性 对118对健康母婴对在儿童的幼儿期进行纵向随访,采用成人依恋访谈问卷(AAIQ)测查母亲自身的依恋模式,采用儿童行为Q分类法(AQS)测评幼儿与母亲的依恋关系,结果发现: (1)母亲与婴儿两者依恋类型之间一一对应的总对应率为:63.6%,其中安全型母亲与其婴儿的安全性之间的对应性最高,其次是专注型。 (2)幼儿期安全型依恋占64.4%,不安全型依恋占35.6%,与婴儿期依恋安全性的分布基本一致。从婴儿期至幼儿期依恋安全性之间总的一致率为:88.1%。 4.母婴依恋关系对幼儿期认知和行为发展的影响 对纵向随访中的118名幼儿,采用贝莉婴幼儿发育量表-第二版(BSID-Ⅱ)测评幼儿的认知发育水平,采用Achenbach儿童行为问卷(2-3岁)调查幼儿的行为问题,结果显示: (1)安全型婴儿在幼儿期的MDI(智力发育指数)水平为102.9±12.6;不安全型婴儿在幼儿期的MDI水平为97.5±14.8,t=3.322,p0.05,差异有显著性意义。不安全依恋类型中,回避型的MDI水平为99.7±16.5,与安全型比较,差异无显著性意义(p0.05);反抗型的MDI水平为95.1±13.9,明显低于安全型,差异有显著性意义(p0.05);但回避型和反抗型之间的MDI水平,差异无显著性意义(p0.05))。 (2)安全型依恋婴儿在幼儿期的行为问题检出率为9.0%;不安全型的检出率为22.5%,差异有显著性意义(p0.05)。 结论: 上海母婴依恋类型以安全型(B型)为主,占68.2%,具文化普遍性;而不安全型依恋类型中,C型占绝对优势,与西方国家不同,但与日本韩国的分布较为一致,同时又有各自的文化特点。 影响母婴依恋关系的因素与婴儿和母亲双方的特点,特别是和婴儿的气质特点、母亲在抚养行为中的敏感性都有关;而母亲对婚姻的满意度、家庭中其他多个带养人的介入以及带养方式等对母-婴依恋质量的影响亦不容忽视;母亲自身的依恋模式是影响母婴依恋关系的另一重要因素。 儿童依恋存在跨时间跨情境的一致性和稳定性,婴儿依恋类型对幼儿期的依恋安全性有着非常高的预测效度。安全的母婴依恋关系为儿童的认知和行为发展提供了一种更好的可能性;不安全的母婴依恋关系可能导致幼儿期的认知损害和更多的行为问题。
[Abstract]:In developmental psychology, infant-mother attachment refers to the special and strong emotional relationship between a baby and its mother. As a "security base" for exploratory activities, its repeated interaction with caregivers is internalized into a work model, which is gradually integrated into the personality structure, thereby affecting children's emotional, cognitive and behavioral development.
An important development of attachment theory is Ainsworth's creation of Strange Situation Procedure (SSP) and classification system to measure attachment safety and individual differences, which classifies the relationship between infants and caregivers into three different attachment types: type B (Secure) type A (Avoidant). Later, Main et al. distinguished a fourth new type of insecure attachment, namely, type D (Disorganized). Different types of attachment reflect different types of internal work patterns.
The establishment of attachment theory and methodology has greatly promoted the research in the field of children's attachment, including the cross-cultural study of attachment, the study of the factors influencing attachment and its neuropsychological mechanism, and the study of attachment on children's emotional, cognitive and behavioral development. However, the attention and research in this field in China, especially in the field of children's health care, can be described as follows. I just started.
This study will evaluate and analyze the attachment types and characteristics between 12-18-month-old infants and their mothers by selecting healthy mothers and infants in Shanghai. Meanwhile, it will also assess the temperament characteristics of infants, the sensitivity of mothers'care behavior, the personality characteristics of mothers, the attachment patterns of mothers themselves, the marital quality of parents and other families. Parenting factors such as parents'reproductive age, educational level, economic level, mother's working status, main caregivers and feeding styles were explored to explore the possible influencing factors of maternal-infant attachment in China; and then longitudinal follow-up study was conducted to explore the relationship between infants' attachment to their mothers, the results of children's cognitive and behavioral development, and to explore the quality of early maternal-infant attachment. The influence of later childhood emotion, cognition and behavior development, and the stability of attachment across time.
The main research contents and results are as follows:
1. types and distribution characteristics of maternal and infant attachment
By choosing 160 pairs of healthy mothers and infants in Shanghai, the types and characteristics of attachment between 12-18 month-old infants and their mothers were assessed and analyzed with the method of unfamiliar situation.
(1) Type B accounted for 68.2%, type A accounted for 7.5%, type C accounted for 21.8%, type D accounted for 2.5%.
(2) There was no significant gender difference in maternal and infant attachment safety between boys and girls, and there was no significant gender difference in the distribution of A, C and D types of insecure attachment (P 0.05).
2. influencing factors of maternal and infant attachment
To 160 pairs of healthy mothers and infants, Carey Temperament Questionnaire was used to assess the infants'temperament characteristics; Mother's sensitivity to child care was assessed by Mother's Behavior Q Classification Scale; Eysenck Personality Questionnaire was used to assess the mothers' personality characteristics; Olson Marriage Quality Questionnaire was used to assess the parents'marital quality; and a self-made questionnaire was used to assess the parents' marital quality. To investigate other family rearing factors of children, such as parents'reproductive age, educational level, family structure, family income, mother's work status, father's participation, main foster and foster ways, and so on, so as to explore the characteristics of both infants and mothers and the influence of other family rearing factors on the formation and quality of mother-infant attachment. The results showed that:
(1) Avoidance temperament dimension score of safe attachment infants was significantly lower than that of unsafe attachment infants (p0.01); in particular, resistant attachment infants showed higher levels of response intensity than avoidance attachment infants, the difference was significant (p0.05).
(2) The sensitivity score of mothers of safe infants was significantly higher than that of mothers of unsafe infants (p0.01).
(3) There was no significant difference in the scores of E, N, P and L in the personality traits between safe and unsafe infants (p0.05).
(4) The satisfaction of mothers of safe attachment infants to marriage was significantly higher than that of mothers of unsafe attachment infants (p0.05).
(5) The number of unsafe infants was significantly higher than that of safe infants (p0.05), and the number of unsafe infants who slept with other parents was more common than that of safe infants. Chi-square test showed that_2 = 6.955, P 0.05. There was no significant difference in working or at home, father involvement and other factors between safe attachment infants and insecure attachment infants (p0.05).
3. intergenerational transmission and stability of attachment
118 pairs of healthy mothers and infants were followed up longitudinally in their infancy. Adult attachment interview questionnaire (AAIQ) was used to examine the attachment patterns of mothers. Child behavior Q classification (AQS) was used to assess the attachment relationship between infants and mothers.
(1) The total corresponding rate of one-to-one attachment between mother and infant was 63.6%. The safety type of mother and infant had the highest corresponding rate, followed by the attention type.
(2) Safe attachment in infancy accounted for 64.4%, insecure attachment accounted for 35.6%, which was basically consistent with the distribution of attachment safety in infancy.
4. the influence of maternal and infant attachment on early childhood cognition and behavior development
In the longitudinal follow-up, 118 children were assessed with the Belle Infant Development Inventory-Second Edition (BSID-II) and the Achenbach Child Behavior Questionnaire (2-3 years old). The results showed that:
(1) The MDI level of safe infants in infancy was 102.9 (+ 12.6); the MDI level of unsafe infants in infancy was 97.5 (+ 14.8), t = 3.322, p0.05, the difference was significant. The MDI level of avoidance type was 99.7 (+ 16.5) in unsafe attachment type, which was not significantly different from that of safe type (p0.05). The level of MDI was 95.1+13.9, which was significantly lower than that of safe type (p0.05), but there was no significant difference between avoidance type and resistance type (p0.05).
(2) The detection rate of behavior problems in infants with safe attachment was 9.0% and that of unsafe attachment was 22.5%. The difference was significant (p0.05).
The type of maternal and infant attachment in Shanghai is mainly safe type (B type), accounting for 68.2%, with cultural universality; while the type of insecure attachment in Shanghai is absolutely dominant, different from western countries, but with the distribution of Japan and South Korea is more consistent, at the same time have their own cultural characteristics.
The factors affecting maternal-infant attachment are related to the characteristics of both infants and mothers, especially the temperament characteristics of infants, and the sensitivity of mothers in raising behavior. The influence of mothers'satisfaction with marriage, the intervention of other family caregivers and the mode of raising on the quality of maternal-infant attachment can not be ignored. Body attachment pattern is another important factor affecting maternal and infant attachment.
Children's attachment has consistency and stability across time and context, and infant attachment types have very high predictive validity for the safety of attachment in early childhood.Safe maternal-infant attachment provides a better possibility for children's cognitive and behavioral development; unsafe maternal-infant attachment may lead to cognitive impairment in early childhood. Harm and more behavioral problems.


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