发布时间:2018-09-18 14:23
【摘要】:思想政治教育是要在人的成长过程铸就一种品格,让行动者在活动中自主选择,它起于行为,稳定于习惯,伴随着情感,依托理智,内化为品格,升华于信念,体现于理想。作为思想政治教育实施“三层次”的中间层次,“德性品格养成”在行使着承上启下的重要作用,既指导着“自然人”行动规范的内化培养,又为达成最后的政治价值认同要求而不断打造相应的“社会人”。而使人的行动符合规范,是社会化的起码要求。 当今时代,多元价值观主导下的文化掌控全球已经是一个不争的事实。正处于社会主义现代化建设进程中的中国在各个领域面对多样化文化和多元价值的挑战,其中品格教育问题就是一个日益严重且需要直接面对的社会问题和教育问题。为此我国当前思想政治教育研究的方向之一就是如何在多样性文化和多元价值观的现实境遇下,通过对伦理现代性问题的正确处理,在社会现实中创造出统一上述内在矛盾的新型教育范式。而在现代道德教育模式不断推陈出新力图席卷全球的背景下,作为现代社会发展的先行者,美国面对当代全球社会的道德危机困境,在西方伦理学界反思所得的现代德性伦理学运动基础上,于20世纪末期开始了以德性伦理学为伦理哲学基础的道德教育模式——品格教育的复兴探索。本文从德性理论的角度出发研究美国品格教育运动,拟深入探讨美国传统品格教育在新时期复兴的深刻社会根源和核心规律,在哲学思考的基础上构思多样化文化和多元价值社会中的道德教育新范式的理论性思路,希望能对中国的现实提供一个可参考的借鉴。 本文主体部分由四章正文构成。 引论。主要内容包括:研究缘起和问题提出、研究目的和意义、研究现状综述、研究思路及研究方法等,并对德性、品格及品格教育等相关概念进行解读。 第一章:“品格教育的哲学范式:德性伦理”。从德性伦理的视角出发,探究德性是否可教、是否需教和如何基于品格教育的维度进行施教等问题。 第二章:“美国当代品格教育的德性伦理诉求”。分别探究美国品格教育的德性伦理渊源和近现代品格教育对德性伦理的追寻,同时在对近现代品格教育没落进行德性反思后考察当代品格教育的德性伦理基础,从而明确当代品格教育回归的现代价值。 第三章:“美国当代品格教育的德性实践方略”。从美国道德教育遭遇的现代伦理困境出发,从品格教育运动的核心德目构建、道德社群构建和社会保障构建三个维度解构美国当代品格教育的核心范畴,从德性伦理的角度考察当代品格教育运动的发生、发展及变迁。 第四章:“美国当代品格教育的德性启迪”。基于前几章对美国当代品格教育的理论与实践的分析,反思当前多样化文化社会中核心德性共识构建和德性教育路径构建的应然性与必然性。同时呼应绪论中提出的问题。 结语主要是对前面内容作概述性总结和补充说明,并指出本论文需要商榷之处。结合当前现状,将研究的意义向纵深处提升。 本文的创新之处在于研究视角比较独到。作为现代道德教育构想大多借鉴西方的理论资源,却又有着五千年文明史和三千年的道德教育史的泱泱大国,如何引“他山之石”,为我所“攻玉”,从容应对多样化文化,实现中国未来的可持续发展和中国公民社会的建立,有必要深入研究并借鉴当代西方道德教育的先进之处。
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education is to cast a character in the process of human growth, so that the actors can make their own choices in activities. It starts from behavior, stabilizes in habits, accompanied by emotion, relying on reason, internalizes into character, sublimates into belief, and embodies in ideals. Exercising the important role of connecting the preceding and the following, it not only guides the internalization of the "natural person" norms of action, but also builds the corresponding "social person" to achieve the final requirements of political value identification.
Nowadays, it is an indisputable fact that culture under the guidance of pluralistic values controls the whole world. In the process of socialist modernization, China is facing the challenge of pluralistic culture and pluralistic values in various fields. Among them, the problem of character education is an increasingly serious social problem and education which needs to be faced directly. Therefore, one of the research directions of Ideological and political education in our country is how to create a new educational paradigm which unifies the above-mentioned internal contradictions in the social reality by correctly dealing with the problems of ethical modernity under the realistic circumstances of diverse cultures and pluralistic values, and how to constantly push the old and bring forth the new in the modern moral education model. Under the background of sweeping the whole world, as the forerunner of the development of modern society, facing the moral crisis predicament of contemporary global society, the United States, on the basis of the modern moral ethics movement which was reflected by the western ethical circles, began the moral education mode based on the moral ethics as the ethical philosophy - character education in the late 20th century. This paper studies the American character education movement from the perspective of virtue theory, intends to probe into the profound social roots and core laws of the revival of American traditional character education in the new era, and to conceive the theoretical thinking of a new paradigm of moral education in a pluralistic culture and a pluralistic value society on the basis of philosophical thinking. It can provide a reference for China's reality.
The main body of this paper is made up of four chapters.
The main contents include: the origin and problems of the study, the purpose and significance of the study, the review of the research status, research ideas and research methods, and the interpretation of virtue, character and character education and other related concepts.
Chapter One: The Philosophical Paradigm of Character Education: Virtue Ethics. From the perspective of virtue ethics, this paper explores whether virtue can be taught, whether it needs to be taught, and how to teach based on the dimension of character education.
Chapter 2: The moral ethics appeal of contemporary character education in the United States. It explores the moral ethics origin of character education in the United States and the pursuit of moral ethics in modern character education. The modern value of breeding return.
Chapter Three: The Practice of Virtue in American Contemporary Character Education.Starting from the dilemma of modern ethics encountered by American moral education, this paper deconstructs the core category of American contemporary character education from three dimensions: the construction of core virtue, the construction of moral community and the construction of social security, and examines contemporary products from the perspective of virtue ethics. The occurrence, development and change of the education movement.
Based on the analysis of the theory and practice of contemporary character education in the United States in the previous chapters, this paper reflects on the necessity and necessity of the construction of the core moral consensus and the path of moral education in the current diversified cultural society.
The conclusion mainly summarizes and supplements the previous contents, and points out the points that need to be discussed in this paper.
The innovation of this paper lies in its unique research perspective. As a modern moral education concept, it mostly draws on the theoretical resources of the West, but it has a great country with a history of 5000 years of civilization and 3000 years of moral education. How to quote the "Stone of Other Mountains" to "attack jade" for our institute, calmly cope with the diversified culture and realize the future sustainability of China? It is necessary to study and draw lessons from the advanced points of contemporary western moral education for the continuous development and the establishment of Chinese civil society.
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education is to cast a character in the process of human growth, so that the actors can make their own choices in activities. It starts from behavior, stabilizes in habits, accompanied by emotion, relying on reason, internalizes into character, sublimates into belief, and embodies in ideals. Exercising the important role of connecting the preceding and the following, it not only guides the internalization of the "natural person" norms of action, but also builds the corresponding "social person" to achieve the final requirements of political value identification.
Nowadays, it is an indisputable fact that culture under the guidance of pluralistic values controls the whole world. In the process of socialist modernization, China is facing the challenge of pluralistic culture and pluralistic values in various fields. Among them, the problem of character education is an increasingly serious social problem and education which needs to be faced directly. Therefore, one of the research directions of Ideological and political education in our country is how to create a new educational paradigm which unifies the above-mentioned internal contradictions in the social reality by correctly dealing with the problems of ethical modernity under the realistic circumstances of diverse cultures and pluralistic values, and how to constantly push the old and bring forth the new in the modern moral education model. Under the background of sweeping the whole world, as the forerunner of the development of modern society, facing the moral crisis predicament of contemporary global society, the United States, on the basis of the modern moral ethics movement which was reflected by the western ethical circles, began the moral education mode based on the moral ethics as the ethical philosophy - character education in the late 20th century. This paper studies the American character education movement from the perspective of virtue theory, intends to probe into the profound social roots and core laws of the revival of American traditional character education in the new era, and to conceive the theoretical thinking of a new paradigm of moral education in a pluralistic culture and a pluralistic value society on the basis of philosophical thinking. It can provide a reference for China's reality.
The main body of this paper is made up of four chapters.
The main contents include: the origin and problems of the study, the purpose and significance of the study, the review of the research status, research ideas and research methods, and the interpretation of virtue, character and character education and other related concepts.
Chapter One: The Philosophical Paradigm of Character Education: Virtue Ethics. From the perspective of virtue ethics, this paper explores whether virtue can be taught, whether it needs to be taught, and how to teach based on the dimension of character education.
Chapter 2: The moral ethics appeal of contemporary character education in the United States. It explores the moral ethics origin of character education in the United States and the pursuit of moral ethics in modern character education. The modern value of breeding return.
Chapter Three: The Practice of Virtue in American Contemporary Character Education.Starting from the dilemma of modern ethics encountered by American moral education, this paper deconstructs the core category of American contemporary character education from three dimensions: the construction of core virtue, the construction of moral community and the construction of social security, and examines contemporary products from the perspective of virtue ethics. The occurrence, development and change of the education movement.
Based on the analysis of the theory and practice of contemporary character education in the United States in the previous chapters, this paper reflects on the necessity and necessity of the construction of the core moral consensus and the path of moral education in the current diversified cultural society.
The conclusion mainly summarizes and supplements the previous contents, and points out the points that need to be discussed in this paper.
The innovation of this paper lies in its unique research perspective. As a modern moral education concept, it mostly draws on the theoretical resources of the West, but it has a great country with a history of 5000 years of civilization and 3000 years of moral education. How to quote the "Stone of Other Mountains" to "attack jade" for our institute, calmly cope with the diversified culture and realize the future sustainability of China? It is necessary to study and draw lessons from the advanced points of contemporary western moral education for the continuous development and the establishment of Chinese civil society.
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