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发布时间:2019-04-19 22:37
[Abstract]:In the days of the wind and snow, there is more boredom and no writing; only in the bad days of etiquette and delight can thinkers burst out. When the literati and thinkers emerge at the same time, the literati are like the flower Dan in the drama, beautiful and lowly, and the servant girl of the boudoir; the thinker is the boudoir, elegant, dignified and elegant. Educationists are a kind of thinkers, both boudoir and literate. Educationists are people who educate the people to open their eyes, and they are the people who connect the academic and political aspects. As the archetype of educationists, all of them are not the official will, but the free will of man. Culture and thought, having their own temperament and dignity, cannot succumb to any man-made power. On the other hand, culture and thought must make people succumb.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学教育学院;


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