[Abstract]:At present, all countries in the world are promoting the modernization and reform of education through educational informatization. As a prerequisite and necessary condition for the development of educational informatization, the construction level of infrastructure reflects the development level of educational informatization to a certain extent. South Korea has made good achievements in the construction of educational information infrastructure and accumulated valuable experience, which is reflected in the following aspects: attaching importance to the setting of organizational system, top-level design and macro-planning, and emphasizing the investment of funds and sustainable security. At present, there are many problems in the construction and development of educational information infrastructure in China, such as unbalanced development, "emphasis on construction, light on application", insufficient stamina in development, difficulty in ensuring sustainability, and so on. We should learn from the experience of South Korea and use the operation mechanism for reference. Establish the organization and management system of the country, province, city, county and school, and push forward the construction process in the form of national strategic project as a whole; In the aspect of fund guarantee, in addition to establishing a special national fund, enterprises should be encouraged to participate in the construction of educational information infrastructure together with the government, and the supervision of funds should be strengthened to ensure their sustainable development. In the aspect of construction and application, we should establish educational cloud service model, promote the sharing of various resources and teaching application mode.
【作者单位】: 教育部教育信息化战略研究基地(华中);华中师范大学信息化与教育发展研究中心;国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心;
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