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发布时间:2018-01-16 04:10

  本文关键词:积极心理学心育课程对小学生自我意识的干预研究 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 心理健康教育 自我意识 积极心理学 小学高年级学生

[Abstract]:With the gradual improvement of the level of social development in our country, the intensity of competition is increasing, and new problems are emerging, which makes the people of all social strata under more and more pressure. And lead to a variety of psychological problems. At present, in the field of mental health in China, the main way of problem-oriented intervention, in practice, gradually exposed some urgent issues to be concerned about. Therefore, adopt the development orientation. The prevention of psychological problems through the intervention on the opposite side of the point can be an effective supplement to the problem-oriented intervention. The senior students in primary school develop rapidly because of abstract cognition. Based on the positive psychological orientation and the development of positive experience as a starting point, part of the core concept of developmental psychological counseling therapy is recombined. Intervention in the form of curriculum can help students gradually form positive cognitive style and personality traits to enhance their psychological immunity. Self consciousness is the core content of self, including personal subjective experience cognition and perceived content. As the weight of subjective experience is increasing in the increasingly diversified mental health evaluation criteria, the relationship between subjective experience and mental health is closer, and the self-awareness of students is measured. Has been able to reflect the degree of psychological development of students to a certain extent, reflect the effect of psychological health curriculum intervention. This study from the orientation of positive psychology. Part of the humanistic-experience-oriented psychological counseling therapy is used to teach, through experimental intervention, supplemented by investigation, interview and observation method to study. The results showed that the self-awareness level of the experimental group was significantly improved after intervention, and the following conclusions were obtained through the analysis. 1. Emotional experience and cognitive style through the mental health education course. With the intervention of personality traits, the level of students' self-consciousness has been obviously improved. To prove that these factors have a strong impact on the development of self-awareness. 2. The psychological health education curriculum organized on the basis of emotion guidance can attract students' interest. 2. Get good classroom teaching results 3.In the perspective of positive psychology, part of the contemporary people-experience psychological counseling therapy to re-examine, integrate, and construct the mental health intervention curriculum in cognition. Emotional and behavioral aspects can produce good educational effects. 4. The psychological health education curriculum organized by positive emotional experience has a good intervention effect on the development of students' self-consciousness. It is proved that the intervention course designed in this study is feasible.


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