本文关键词:义务教育公共服务均等化的制度构建 出处:《华东师范大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:公共服务是现代经济学和管理学中一项十分重要的研究。2002年党的十六大报告明确提出公共服务是政府的四项基本职能之一。2005年党的十六届五中全会通过的《关于制定第十一个五年规划的建议》(以下简称《十一五建议》)首次提出了 "公共服务均等化原则"。义务教育公共服务均等化是基本公共服务均等化的重要组成部分。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》(以下简称《教育规划纲要》)明确提出要"建成公共教育服务体系,实现基本公共教育服务均等化"。国家诸多方针和政策的反复强调凸显了教育基本公共服务均等化的重要性。本论文以制度分析为研究视角,综合运用以下四种方法开展了研究探索。首先,运用文献分析法,在全面查阅我国有关义务教育法律、法规和政策文本,梳理义务教育制度形成与变迁过程的基础上,对义务教育公共服务均等化的基本理论进行了较系统的学理阐释;第二,使用问卷调查法,采用分层抽样和随机抽样的方式,对我国东、中、西部12个省份的多个区、县义务教育阶段学校的基本情况、教育投入、办学条件、师资配置等基本公共服务状况进行了实证调查,以分析不同地区间义务教育公共服务均等化进程中存在的问题、差异及差异分布,为论文的比较分析和政策设计提供实证基础;第三,使用个人和群体访谈法,对问卷调查中无法触及的隐性问题、教育领域关注度较高的、有价值的焦点问题进行了追问,以更具体地了解均等化推进过程中遇到的突出和棘手问题,从而把握现实中义务教育公共服务在各方面的真实样态;第四,使用比较研究法,分析比较了同一教育指标在不同地区之间的差异、不同国家为实现义务教育公共服务均等所确定的政策法规和政策建议、不同时期我国义务教育公共服务的制度发展历程以及不同地区、机构或者学者提出的教育均衡指标内容,为最终制度构建的理论构想和实践改进拓宽思路。基于以上背景和研究方法,本论文着重从以下五个方面展开了研究。第一,理论解读。论文以制度的视野厘定了均等、均等化、基本公共服务、制度、教育制度、义务教育公共服务均等化的基本涵义,进而阐述了义务教育公共服务均等化的制度类型、制度属性和制度特征,为全文深入探究义务教育公共服务均等化提供一致的研究立场和理论基础。第二,制度发展。论文从中、外两个维度剖析了义务教育公共服务均等化的时代演进,为当前的制度创新提供历史参照和经验借鉴。论文先行阐释了制度变迁的相关理论;随后,剖析了美国、英国和日本等发达国家义务教育公共服务均等化的制度建设经验及其问题;最后,中国以1986年《义务教育法》颁布为界,剖析了颁布之前的普及教育和颁布后的义务教育发展成就和改革需要,并对义务教育公共服务均等化的制度发展进行了价值分析。第三,现实审视。论文对我国目前义务教育公共服务均等化的制度进行了现实分析和诊断,为新的制度构建和精准施策提供依据。现实审视以法规性义务教育公共服务规定、政策性义务教育公共服务规定和技术性教育公共服务考量指标作为衡量依据,从经费投入、办学条件、教师队伍和教育机会四个方面对我国目前的义务教育公共服务均等化的现实状态进行了剖析,同时反思了取得成就和存在问题的深层社会原因。第四,制度构建。论文论证了义务教育公共服务均等化制度构建的理性构想,以确保制度安排的科学性和操作性。其理性构想的合理架构是:价值取向的选择,即全纳、公平、优质、良序;制度理念的滴定,即底线公平、利益均衡、增量改革、统筹兼顾;服务对象的确证,即优先面向老少边穷岛地区儿童、随迁儿童、留守儿童、残疾儿童和学困儿童,底线服务制度要向这些群体倾斜;落实服务的环境审度,即制度环境、资源环境和文化环境。第五,制度推进。论文从投入、监管和评估三方面尝试提出了促进义务教育公共服务均等化的制度设计和重点策略。投入制度的构建和落实包括:立法立规贯彻执行,全力做好转移支付,适时做大"以省为主",努力做优投入结构,积极做广社会资金。监管制度的构建和落实包括:有效监管教师队伍建设、有效监管教育机会均等、有效监管办学条件改进,并建立有效监管的长效机制;评估制度的构建和落实包括:精准科学的评价体系建设,规范多元的绩效评估过程,动态及时的评估结果反馈,健全明确的评估法律保障。在这个综合体系中,投入制度是根本,监管、评估制度是保证。
[Abstract]:Public service is the sixteen report of modern economics and management is a very important research in the.2002 school year party clearly put forward the public service government is one of the four basic functions of.2005 party in the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee through "on the development of five year plan proposal > eleventh (hereinafter referred to as the" 11th Five-Year proposal >) is proposed for the first time the principle of equalization of public services. The equalization of educational public service obligation is an important part of the equalization of basic public services. The national long-term education reform and development plan (2010-2020) > (hereinafter referred to as the "education plan") explicitly proposed to "build public education service system, to achieve the equalization of basic public education services" many countries. Policy repeatedly highlights the importance of equalization of basic public services in education. This thesis takes institutional analysis as the research perspective, the integrated use of the Four kinds of methods to carry out research. Firstly, using literature analysis, in full access to the compulsory education law in China, regulations and policies of the text, form the basis of the compulsory education system and the change of carding process, carried out a systematic explanation of the basic theory of compulsory education equalization of public service; second. Using the method of questionnaire investigation, using stratified sampling and random sampling, in East China, in many areas of 12 provinces in West China, the basic situation of the school, the county compulsory education investment, school conditions, the status of basic public services, the allocation of teachers makes an empirical investigation, to analyze the existing obligations between different regions education in the process of public services equalization problems, and differences in the distribution of the difference, and provide empirical basis for the comparative analysis and policy design; third, the use of individual and group interviews, questionnaire for free Hidden problems touched, the field of education a high degree of attention, focus value further, to a more detailed understanding of the equalization in the process encountered prominent and difficult problems, so as to grasp the true state of the compulsory education in the reality of public services in all aspects; fourth, the use of comparative research method, comparative analysis the difference in education indicators between different regions, policies and regulations and policies in different countries to realize the equalization of public services of compulsory education in different periods of history, the development of China's compulsory education system of public services and in different regions, balanced education index content of the institution or the scholars, to broaden the thought for the theory and practice of the final the system is improved. The above research based on the method of this paper from the following five aspects of the research. First, based on the system theory of interpretation. The view of determining the equalization, equalization, basic public service, system, education system, the basic meaning of the public service equalization of compulsory education, and expounds the system of public service equalization of compulsory education, the characteristics of system attributes and system for the in-depth exploration of compulsory education equality of public services to provide a consistent position and research second. The theoretical basis, system development. From the outside, the two dimensions of analysis of the evolution of public service equalization of compulsory education, to provide historical reference and experience for the system innovation. The thesis first explains the theory of institutional change; then analyzes the American experience, system construction and problems of compulsory education development Britain and Japan the equalization of public services; finally, China in 1986 < compulsory education law > promulgated as circles, analyzes the popularity of education enacted before and after the promulgation of the The need of the development of compulsory education and reform achievements, analyzed the value of compulsory education equalization of public service system development. Third. The reality of the real diagnosis and analysis of China's current compulsory education equalization of public service system, the new system construction and precise measures and policies provide the basis for reality. The provisions of regulations of compulsory education policy of compulsory education, public service, public service provision and technical education public service indicators as a measure of the basis, from the funding, school conditions, the four aspects of teachers and educational opportunities to analyze China's current compulsory education equalization of public service status and also reflects the deep the social reasons of achievements and problems. In fourth, construction of the system. This thesis demonstrates the rational conception of constructing compulsory equalization of education system, to To ensure that the institutional arrangements of the scientific and operational framework. The reasonable rational idea is: the choice of value orientation, that is inclusive, equitable, high-quality, well ordered; titration system concept, namely fairness, balance of interests, incremental reform, overall consideration; confirmation of service object, which is a priority for children in underdeveloped areas of the island, with the move children, left-behind children, disabled children and children with learning difficulties, the bottom line service system should tilt to these groups; to implement a service environment, namely system environment, resource environment and culture environment. Fifth. From the system to promote investment, supervision and evaluation of three aspects to put forward to promote the system design and the key strategy of the equalization of public services compulsory education investment system. The construction and implementation of legislation include: carrying out, to make timely transfer payment, and "to save", and strive to do the investment structure, actively do wide social capital Construction supervision system and implement effective supervision include: the construction of teachers, the effective supervision of equal opportunity in education, school conditions to improve the effective supervision, and establish a long-term mechanism of effective supervision; evaluation system construction and implementation including: precise scientific evaluation system, standardize the performance evaluation process of multiple, dynamic and timely feedback of evaluation result. Perfect clear assessment of legal protection. In this integrated system, investment system is fundamental, supervision, assessment system is the guarantee.
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