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发布时间:2018-01-25 09:40

  本文关键词: 智慧学习环境 深度交互 心灵交互 深度学习 出处:《江苏师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The development of science and technology at an unprecedented speed in the "Internet" era has also profoundly promoted the educational reform, which is an important part of the educational reform. The intelligent learning environment brings learners a new teaching experience, and provides practice field and service support for the occurrence of teaching interaction. But at present, the teaching interaction in the intelligent learning environment remains at the shallow level. The failure to pay attention to the mechanism of deep interaction. At the same time, the intelligent learning environment is mostly regarded as a technologically rich environment. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore how to promote the deep interaction in the intelligent learning environment. Through combing and analyzing the literature at home and abroad, we can find out the intelligent learning environment. At the same time, it discusses the concept of intelligent learning environment. On the basis of clarifying the deficiency of related knowledge. This paper defines the concept of intelligent learning environment, and its wisdom is mainly reflected in the good teaching experience and more comprehensive development of the internal subjects of the intelligent learning environment. The teaching elements and their skills in the intelligent learning environment are analyzed. Technical support mainly includes big data and learning analysis techniques. Natural interaction technology, understanding interaction technology and situational awareness technology. At the same time, this paper discusses the connotation and theoretical starting point of teaching interaction. This paper summarizes the theoretical basis of teaching interaction in intelligent learning environment and determines the two main subjects of interaction between teachers and learners through the analysis of the elements of the teaching process of intelligent learning environment. This paper discusses the interaction mode of teaching in intelligent learning environment, which embodies different types of interaction. In addition, it gives birth to deep thinking from deep interaction. Deep thinking leads to deep learning and depth interaction promotes depth interaction. It explores the relationship between depth interaction and depth learning and reflects the important value of depth interaction. In this paper, the nature of deep interaction and the characteristics of deep interaction are discussed in terms of the level of deep interaction and the content of depth interaction. In this process, the process of deep interaction in intelligent learning environment is explored. This paper constructs the deep interactive model of the intelligent learning environment and finds out the practical dilemma of the deep interaction in the intelligent learning environment based on the existing cases of the intelligent learning environment. Analysis of the causes of hindering deep interaction. The current intelligent learning environment teaching lack of intelligent teachers guidance, there is a tendency to promote tool rationality, and the deep interaction process due to the lack of immediate feedback. The use of intelligent technology has not been optimized, resulting in low level of interaction, can not achieve the true meaning of deep interaction. Based on the above issues and understanding of the nature of deep interaction. Five strategies to promote the deep interaction of intelligent learning environment are put forward, that is, to cultivate intelligent teachers, to promote the concept of wisdom and tools, and to enhance effective feedback. To optimize the use of intelligent technology and innovative teaching design, and to explore the deep interaction of intelligent learning environment, in order to provide theoretical reference for the cultivation of intelligent and innovative talents.


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