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发布时间:2018-02-24 13:08

  本文关键词: 青少年 吸烟行为 拒烟效能 同伴影响 学校氛围 出处:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The smoking behavior of young people has gradually become one of the serious problems among teenagers. Other problems caused by smoking, such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and other problems affecting the physical and mental health of young people, have emerged gradually in recent years. Countries all over the world have increased their attention to the smoking behavior of young people. The survey shows that the smoking rate of young people is constantly rising and has a trend of getting younger and younger. This phenomenon is gradually attracting the attention of workers in the field of psychology and education. At present, Most of the studies on the smoking cessation behavior of young people are concentrated in western countries, but the study on the situation of adolescent smoking in China is relatively weak. As the largest producer of cigarettes in the world, China has a large population, and the number of smokers is naturally not in the minority. The number of teenagers who smoke also accounts for a large proportion of the world's young smokers in absolute numbers. However, because of the different cultural backgrounds in different countries, the factors that affect the smoking behavior of young people are also different. In addition, under the traditional education in our country, Not all teenagers who smoke are willing to admit that they smoke, and even the teachers of the school do not admit that there are students who smoke in the school. This research is meaningful and difficult. This study mainly studies the current situation of adolescent smoking behavior from the perspective of the smoking behavior and the amount of smoking, and specifically from the family environment, important other people's smoking attitude, smoking self-awareness. Self-efficacy, self-esteem and other factors affecting adolescent smoking behavior were explored. Through the analysis of these data, we explored which factors are the most important factors affecting adolescent smoking behavior. In this study, stratified cluster sampling method was used to select 1748 students from first to third grade in six key schools in Yangzhou. There were 1444 valid questionnaires and 82.6 effective questionnaires. The results showed that smoking behavior showed a tendency of younger age, and there were significant differences in sex, age, school environment and family status between men and women. There were many factors influencing smoking behavior. Personal factors, family environment, school environment, social interaction and so on are all important aspects that affect smoking behavior of middle school students, especially the family environment and social interaction. In view of the results of the investigation, it is suggested that parents should set an exemplary role model. To reduce the frequency of smoking in front of children, to purify the campus environment, to create a smokeless campus, to control the smoking situation of teaching staff, to set up a mental health education course, and to popularize the cognition that smoking is harmful to health. And improve the self-efficacy of middle school students smoke rejection, cultivate students self-esteem.


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