本文选题:瑞格鲁斯 + 教育系统变革 ; 参考:《现代远程教育研究》2017年01期
[Abstract]:The reform of educational system begins with the deep thinking about the relationship between school and social development, analyzes the law and trend of social development, and focuses on the change of educational paradigm. With the development of the information age in the industrial age, the aim of education has shifted from mass teaching and classified education to the realization of students' knowledge mastery and individualized development. This requires us to use a new perspective to understand teaching, educational paradigm change is inevitable. Compared with the teacher-centered paradigm, the new educational paradigm focuses on "learners' individuation and learning process", which means that the focus of attention is shifted from standardized assessment to the evaluation of mastering knowledge and skills. From summative evaluation to process evaluation, from passive learning to active learning, from teacher-centered teaching to learner-centered teaching. The learner-centered educational paradigm must follow the educational principle based on goal achievement and the task-centered teaching principle. Individualized learning is a noteworthy feature of the learner-centered education paradigm. Technology also plays a more important role in the learner-centered educational paradigm. The reform of the school system requires that the educational stakeholders change their mentality of the old paradigm and pay active attention to the learning ideas and educational needs of the information age. Secondly, we should innovate the belief of reform, reach consensus among different leaders, and devote ourselves to the change of new paradigm. Finally, the function support and technical support of the government are also the important factors to support the reform of the school system.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学教育信息技术系;
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