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发布时间:2018-05-29 11:33

  本文选题:大数据 + 网络学习平台 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:互联网技术及教育信息化的快速发展加快了人们的学习、改变了思维及认知方式,在线学习模式迅速兴起并受到了广泛的认可。这种全新的学习方式及教育模式,必将会驱动教育信息化的变革与创新。在线学习在迅速发展的同时也面临着一些挑战,在线学习平台中较低的课程完成率和用户流失现象频繁发生,为找出形成此状况的原因,在大数据背景下分析在线学习平台中记录的大量用户学习行为数据,通过追踪用户在学习过程中产生的各种学习行为得出分析结果,可以为教师和平台管理者进行监督和干预学习者学习提供一定的指导建议。因此,本文在总结在线学习行为发展现状和相关理论研究的基础上,首先对在线学习行为的内涵进行了界定,将人工智能理论引入进来,从结构维度、功能维度及方式维度对在线学习行为进行了类别划分,在分析在线学习行为关联因素及驱动力的基础上,给出了大数据环境下在线学习行为分析模型的总体架构。其次依据分析模型的总体架构,自左向右、自上向下对大数据环境下在线学习行为分析模型进行了构建,先从多维度、多层次角度构建了在线学习行为数据模型,确定数据采集的来源、方法及过程,之后对在线学习行为分析模型的横向流程和纵向流程进行了设计。在此基础上,利用大数据处理技术对在线学习行为分析模型中的各个环节所涉及的具体算法进行了实现。最后选取哈尔滨理工大学在线学习平台进行实证分析,从基于K-means算法的学习行为聚类分析、基于Page Rank算法的个性化课程推荐分析、与学习效果的关联性分析三个方面进行了深入研究,并依据分析结果给出应用效果与启示。本文丰富了行为科学与人工智能理论方法及应用,深入研究了在线学习行为分析模型,不仅可以为行为数据的采集与分析提供理论基础和数据标准,还方便教师及平台管理者进行细致化及专业化的教学管理,对推动我国教育信息化快速发展具有重要的指导意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology and educational informatization, people's learning has been accelerated, and their thinking and cognitive style have been changed. The online learning mode has risen rapidly and has been widely recognized. This new learning mode and educational model will certainly drive the innovation of educational informatization. While online learning is developing rapidly, it also faces some challenges. In order to find out the reasons for this situation, the low completion rate of courses and the loss of users occur frequently in the online learning platform. Under the background of big data, a large number of user learning behavior data recorded in the online learning platform are analyzed, and the analysis results are obtained by tracking all kinds of learning behaviors produced by users during the learning process. It can provide some guidance and advice for teachers and platform managers to supervise and interfere with learners' learning. Therefore, on the basis of summarizing the development of online learning behavior and related theoretical research, this paper firstly defines the connotation of online learning behavior, and introduces the theory of artificial intelligence into it from the structural dimension. On the basis of analyzing the related factors and driving forces of online learning behavior, the overall framework of online learning behavior analysis model under big data environment is given. Secondly, according to the overall structure of the analysis model, from left to right, from top to bottom, the online learning behavior analysis model under big data environment is constructed. Firstly, the online learning behavior data model is constructed from multi-dimension and multi-level angle. The source, method and process of data acquisition are determined, and then the horizontal and vertical flow of online learning behavior analysis model is designed. On this basis, the specific algorithms involved in the online learning behavior analysis model are implemented by using big data processing technology. Finally, the online learning platform of Harbin University of Science and Technology is selected for empirical analysis, from the learning behavior clustering analysis based on K-means algorithm, the personalized course recommendation analysis based on Page Rank algorithm. This paper makes a deep study on the correlation analysis with the learning effect, and gives the application effect and enlightenment according to the analysis result. This paper enriches the theoretical methods and applications of behavioral science and artificial intelligence, and deeply studies the online learning behavior analysis model, which can not only provide the theoretical basis and data standard for the collection and analysis of behavioral data. It is also convenient for teachers and platform managers to carry out meticulous and specialized teaching management, which has an important guiding significance for promoting the rapid development of educational informatization in China.


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