[Abstract]:The establishment and operation of Coursera has become a successful example of MOOC innovation diffusion. It has opened up an effective model of "Internet education" and stirred the world's MOOC market. Coursera aims at popularizing world-class higher education as its value goal and education vision, with the aim of creating an international online curriculum trading market. This paper constructs a set of "free sharing value-added services" operation model to ensure its rapid development. Coursera has developed free courses, credit courses, signature certification courses, special courses and business degree courses and other learning resources. While ensuring diversified MOOC product lines and service lines, with the help of investment institutions, higher education institutes and well-known network service providers "three-dimensional integrated" operation team, the implementation of a global localization expansion strategy, Has gradually occupied the world curriculum market, widened the school scope and the educational influence.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学高等教育研究院;
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