[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology and the acceleration of the pace of life, traditional online courses can no longer meet the diverse learning content and personalized learning needs of people, so the large-scale open online course (Massive Open Online Course, MOOCs came into being, like a tsunami of a global nature, which led to the blowout development of online education, and brought great challenges to traditional education. Mooc has a high demand for the platform, in addition to the requirements of perfect functions, the mooc has brought great challenges to the traditional education. In addition to the idea of MOOC, it is necessary to optimize the platform core, so that the platform has flash-level response speed. So, how to integrate the platform and curriculum is a very important issue, we are looking for such a platform. Moodle is a free, open-source curriculum management system hosted by Dr. Martin Dougiamas of Australia. Moodle has three major functions: website management, course management and learning management, including discussion, chat, and so on. Homework, voting, testing, interactive evaluation and other modules, is currently the most widely used in the world, the most popular network teaching platform for front-line teachers. By using the methods of literature research, case analysis and action research, this study first looks for an online open curriculum platform by searching a large number of documents and materials, and finds that the moodle platform has a high coincidence with the MOOC platform. The reason why Moodle is used as the platform of online open course is based on its wide application, saving funds, low technical threshold, suitable for teaching needs. Secondly, through the case analysis of the online course "Football and Science" in the maturing platform school in China, it has a high reference significance for the construction of calisthenics course because it belongs to the physical education course. From the introduction of the course, the introduction of teachers, the distribution of curriculum chapters, the types of test questions, the teaching form of online courses and so on, the design of aerobics course on the Moodle platform is greatly enlightened. Finally, after the construction of aerobics teaching platform, aerobics curriculum needs to be analyzed, so as to enrich the content of the platform. The construction of aerobics teaching platform under Moodle environment from the early stage of aerobics teaching platform and the core stage of the construction of aerobics teaching platform to achieve the construction of aerobics class platform. The early stage of the construction of aerobics teaching platform includes the analysis of teaching objectives and the analysis of teaching content; The core stage of the construction of aerobics teaching platform includes four aspects: the design of learning resources, the design of teaching activities, the design of learning evaluation, and the design of learning support. And try to build aerobics MOOC course under the environment of Moodle, which proves the conclusion that physical education MOOC teaching can be carried out on the Moodle platform, and provides some practical guidance for the researchers who are looking for a platform to carry out sports MOOC.
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