发布时间:2021-07-06 01:15
【文章页数】:80 页
List of Figure and Tables
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Significance of the present study
1.2 Purpose of the present study
1.3 Definition of terms
1.3.1 Learners'beliefs
1.3.2 Learning strategies Classification of learning strategies
1.3.3 Self-regulated learning
2. Literature Review
2.1 Learners'beliefs about language learning
2.1.1 The nature and importance of beliefs about language learning
2.1.2 The scope and focus of recentresearch on language learners'beliefs
2.2 The study of learning strategies
2.2.1 The scope and focus of recentresearch on learning strategies
2.3 The study of beliefs and strategyuse about language learning
3. The oretical Foundations and Model of the Study
3.1 Self-efficacy theory
3.2 Expectancy-valuetheory
3.3 Amodel of self-regulated learning
4. The Study
4.1 Research hypothesis
4.2 Methodology
4.2.1 Subjects
4.2.2 Instrum entation
4.2.3 Data collection and analysis
4.3. Results
4.3.1 Results of factor an alysis on BALLI items
4.3.2 Results of factor an alysis on SILLitems
4.3.3 Results of Pearson correlation analysis
4.3.4 Results of the analysis on sex differences
4.3.5 Results of the analysis on major differences
5. Discussion and Implication
5.1 Conflicting beliefs and strategy use
5.2 The relationship between motivation albeliefs and learning strategies
5.3 The roleof learning strategiesin the self-regulated learning
5.4 Sex and major differences in the holding of language learning beliefs and the use of learning strategies
5.5 Pedagogical implication
6. Conclusions
[1]英语学习者动机、观念、策略的变化规律与特点[J]. 文秋芳!210093. 外语教学与研究. 2001(02)
[2]中国大学英语教学的研究现状概述[J]. 谢邦秀. 外语与外语教学. 2000(12)
[3]对语言学习策略分类框架的质疑——兼评元认知策略的地位[J]. 郑敏. 外语与外语教学. 2000(12)
[4]国外第二语言学习策略的介入性研究[J]. 刘治,朱月珍. 国外外语教学. 2000(04)
[5]元认知及其与外语学习的关系[J]. 武和平. 国外外语教学. 2000(02)
[6]中学生自我效能感、归因与学习成绩关系的研究[J]. 王凯荣,辛涛,李琼. 心理发展与教育. 1999(04)
[7]初中学生学业自我效能与学业成就关系研究[J]. 王振宏. 心理发展与教育. 1999(01)
[8]元认知的性质、结构与评定方法[J]. 汪玲,方平,郭德俊. 心理学动态. 1999(01)
[9]自我效能感的理论及研究现状[J]. 张鼎昆,方俐洛,凌文辁. 心理学动态. 1999(01)
[10]学习策略与外语教学[J]. 杨林云. 广东教育学院学报. 1999(01)
【文章页数】:80 页
List of Figure and Tables
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Significance of the present study
1.2 Purpose of the present study
1.3 Definition of terms
1.3.1 Learners'beliefs
1.3.2 Learning strategies Classification of learning strategies
1.3.3 Self-regulated learning
2. Literature Review
2.1 Learners'beliefs about language learning
2.1.1 The nature and importance of beliefs about language learning
2.1.2 The scope and focus of recentresearch on language learners'beliefs
2.2 The study of learning strategies
2.2.1 The scope and focus of recentresearch on learning strategies
2.3 The study of beliefs and strategyuse about language learning
3. The oretical Foundations and Model of the Study
3.1 Self-efficacy theory
3.2 Expectancy-valuetheory
3.3 Amodel of self-regulated learning
4. The Study
4.1 Research hypothesis
4.2 Methodology
4.2.1 Subjects
4.2.2 Instrum entation
4.2.3 Data collection and analysis
4.3. Results
4.3.1 Results of factor an alysis on BALLI items
4.3.2 Results of factor an alysis on SILLitems
4.3.3 Results of Pearson correlation analysis
4.3.4 Results of the analysis on sex differences
4.3.5 Results of the analysis on major differences
5. Discussion and Implication
5.1 Conflicting beliefs and strategy use
5.2 The relationship between motivation albeliefs and learning strategies
5.3 The roleof learning strategiesin the self-regulated learning
5.4 Sex and major differences in the holding of language learning beliefs and the use of learning strategies
5.5 Pedagogical implication
6. Conclusions
[1]英语学习者动机、观念、策略的变化规律与特点[J]. 文秋芳!210093. 外语教学与研究. 2001(02)
[2]中国大学英语教学的研究现状概述[J]. 谢邦秀. 外语与外语教学. 2000(12)
[3]对语言学习策略分类框架的质疑——兼评元认知策略的地位[J]. 郑敏. 外语与外语教学. 2000(12)
[4]国外第二语言学习策略的介入性研究[J]. 刘治,朱月珍. 国外外语教学. 2000(04)
[5]元认知及其与外语学习的关系[J]. 武和平. 国外外语教学. 2000(02)
[6]中学生自我效能感、归因与学习成绩关系的研究[J]. 王凯荣,辛涛,李琼. 心理发展与教育. 1999(04)
[7]初中学生学业自我效能与学业成就关系研究[J]. 王振宏. 心理发展与教育. 1999(01)
[8]元认知的性质、结构与评定方法[J]. 汪玲,方平,郭德俊. 心理学动态. 1999(01)
[9]自我效能感的理论及研究现状[J]. 张鼎昆,方俐洛,凌文辁. 心理学动态. 1999(01)
[10]学习策略与外语教学[J]. 杨林云. 广东教育学院学报. 1999(01)