发布时间:2018-11-01 12:03
【摘要】: 经过近二十年高校心理健康教育的实践,部分省市和高校逐渐积累了一些心理健康教育评估的经验和方法,但是到目前为止对高校心理健康教育评估指标体系的理论研究还比较缺乏,已有的评估指标体系也存在不完善之处。本研究通过文献研究、案例分析、专家咨询、专家访谈等途径,运用科学的理论和方法,在对高等学校心理健康教育的理论与实践进行研究的基础上,提出了评估指标体系的原则和方法,初步构建高等学校心理健康教育评估指标体系,以期为我国高校心理健康教育工作的评价提供科学的工具。 本研究首先对我国高校心理健康教育现状和心理健康教育工作体系进行分析,以教育评估理论为指导,结合高校心理健康教育的实际情况,以及专家访谈的资料,确立指标体系的主导思想、构建初拟指标体系。之后采用专家问卷调研法对指标进行筛选和改进,确立了“组织管理与机构设置、师资队伍建设、教育活动与科研、咨询与辅导、条件保障”等5项一级指标,28项二级指标的高校心理健康教育评估指标系统。采用专家问卷调研法对各项指标进行权重确定。评价标准的制定一方面依据教育部2004年48所高校的心理健康教育汇报材料、2004年19个省市高校心理健康教育资料汇编,另一方面参考山西、黑龙江、江苏、上海、北京、四川等6省市的评估指标体系,辅以部分学校的实际调研。最后用所得指标体系对我国3所高校进行试评,采取自评打分的方法,得分情况与各学校实际的心理健康教育状况相一致。可见指标体系基本达到了预期的效果,具有一定的客观性与实用性。 高校心理健康教育评估在我国尚处于探索阶段,在实际工作中面临的问题还很多,尤其是学校层次不同,教育要求不同,很难制定固定的指标和评价标准。但笔者相信通过在实际工作中的适当修订,此评估标准应能较好的起到“以评促改、以评促建、评建结合、重在建设”的作用。
[Abstract]:Through the practice of mental health education in colleges and universities for nearly 20 years, some provinces, cities and universities have gradually accumulated some experience and methods in the evaluation of mental health education. However, the theoretical research on the evaluation index system of mental health education in colleges and universities is still lacking, and the existing evaluation index system is not perfect. Through literature research, case study, expert consultation, expert interview and so on, this study uses scientific theory and method, on the basis of research on the theory and practice of mental health education in colleges and universities. The principles and methods of evaluation index system are put forward, and the evaluation index system of mental health education in colleges and universities is preliminarily constructed in order to provide a scientific tool for the evaluation of mental health education in colleges and universities in China. The present situation of mental health education and the working system of mental health education in colleges and universities in China are analyzed in this paper. Under the guidance of educational evaluation theory, the actual situation of mental health education in colleges and universities is combined with the data of expert interviews. Establish the leading idea of the index system and construct the initial index system. Then the index is screened and improved by using the method of expert questionnaire, and five first-grade indexes, such as "organization management and organization setting, teacher team building, educational activities and scientific research, consultation and guidance, condition guarantee", are established. The evaluation index system of 28 secondary indexes for mental health education in colleges and universities. The weight of each index is determined by the method of expert questionnaire. On the one hand, the evaluation criteria are based on the mental health education reports of 48 colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education in 2004, and the compilation of mental health education materials in 19 provinces and cities in 2004, on the other hand, referring to Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, Sichuan and other 6 provinces and cities evaluation index system, supplemented by some schools of the actual investigation. Finally, three colleges and universities in China were evaluated with the obtained index system, and the self-evaluation method was adopted. The score was consistent with the actual mental health education situation of each school. It can be seen that the index system has achieved the expected effect, and has certain objectivity and practicability. The evaluation of mental health education in colleges and universities is still in the exploratory stage in our country. There are still many problems in the practical work, especially the different levels of schools and different educational requirements, so it is difficult to formulate fixed indicators and evaluation standards. However, the author believes that through the proper revision in practical work, this evaluation standard should play a better role of "promote reform by evaluation, promote construction by evaluation, combine evaluation with construction, and focus on construction".
[Abstract]:Through the practice of mental health education in colleges and universities for nearly 20 years, some provinces, cities and universities have gradually accumulated some experience and methods in the evaluation of mental health education. However, the theoretical research on the evaluation index system of mental health education in colleges and universities is still lacking, and the existing evaluation index system is not perfect. Through literature research, case study, expert consultation, expert interview and so on, this study uses scientific theory and method, on the basis of research on the theory and practice of mental health education in colleges and universities. The principles and methods of evaluation index system are put forward, and the evaluation index system of mental health education in colleges and universities is preliminarily constructed in order to provide a scientific tool for the evaluation of mental health education in colleges and universities in China. The present situation of mental health education and the working system of mental health education in colleges and universities in China are analyzed in this paper. Under the guidance of educational evaluation theory, the actual situation of mental health education in colleges and universities is combined with the data of expert interviews. Establish the leading idea of the index system and construct the initial index system. Then the index is screened and improved by using the method of expert questionnaire, and five first-grade indexes, such as "organization management and organization setting, teacher team building, educational activities and scientific research, consultation and guidance, condition guarantee", are established. The evaluation index system of 28 secondary indexes for mental health education in colleges and universities. The weight of each index is determined by the method of expert questionnaire. On the one hand, the evaluation criteria are based on the mental health education reports of 48 colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education in 2004, and the compilation of mental health education materials in 19 provinces and cities in 2004, on the other hand, referring to Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, Sichuan and other 6 provinces and cities evaluation index system, supplemented by some schools of the actual investigation. Finally, three colleges and universities in China were evaluated with the obtained index system, and the self-evaluation method was adopted. The score was consistent with the actual mental health education situation of each school. It can be seen that the index system has achieved the expected effect, and has certain objectivity and practicability. The evaluation of mental health education in colleges and universities is still in the exploratory stage in our country. There are still many problems in the practical work, especially the different levels of schools and different educational requirements, so it is difficult to formulate fixed indicators and evaluation standards. However, the author believes that through the proper revision in practical work, this evaluation standard should play a better role of "promote reform by evaluation, promote construction by evaluation, combine evaluation with construction, and focus on construction".
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