[Abstract]:Family environment is the basic place for teenagers to grow up, and parental rearing style is the key factor in family factors. In this study, 372 students were selected as subjects to investigate the relationship between family environment, parental rearing style and adolescents' subjective well-being, and supplement the research on subjective well-being and family education. The results show that: (1) Junior high school students' evaluation of family environment is higher than that of senior high school students; There were significant differences in the rapprochement and intimacy of the family environment between the different educational levels of the father, and the families with higher father's education level paid more attention to the family atmosphere, but there was no significant difference between the family environment and gender, and the educational level of the mother. (2) parents tend to adopt the way of emotional warm understanding, but this factor tends to decrease with the increase of age and the transformation of school segments. Fathers tend to punish boys severely and refuse to deny negative upbringing, while parents with higher education tend to adopt positive upbringing, and mothers with slightly lower education tend to adopt penalized negative upbringing for their children. (3) in this study, the overall level of subjective well-being of adolescents was in the middle-level. The harmonious relationship between parents seriously affects the subjective well-being of adolescents. In addition to friendship factor, junior high school students feel more happiness than high school students. The adolescents with high father education had higher evaluation of environment and academic well-being. However, the subjective well-being of adolescents has nothing to do with the degree of mother's education. (4) there was a significant correlation between subjective well-being and family environment, parental rearing style and adolescents' subjective well-being. Parents adopt positive rearing methods to create a harmonious family environment, so that adolescents get higher subjective well-being. Regression analysis found that intimacy, communication, rapprochement, cultivation and mother's warm understanding in the family environment, and that father's excessive interference in rearing style had predictive function to adolescents' subjective well-being. The predictive power of "intimacy" dimension of family environment is the best.
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