[Abstract]:Perfectionism is a common psychological phenomenon in college students with excellent qualifications, and it is also closely related to the mental health of college students and is one of the psychological factors that affect people's daily life widely. Protestant Christianity is a kind of religious belief which affects more and more widely and deeply among college students in our country. In order to investigate whether the perfectionism tendency of ordinary college students and Christian college students is different under different religious beliefs, In this study, 168 college students were tested and interviewed by non-revised "negative perfectionism questionnaire" and interview questions compiled by researchers (separate from non-Christian college students). The results show that Christian college students' average scores of "hesitation, fear of failure, excessive planning and control" in the perfectionism questionnaire "three latitudes and total scores" are significantly lower than the average scores of the general college students in the "hesitation", fear of failure and excessive planning and control. Conclusion: the negative perfectionism tendency of Christian college students is significantly lower than that of ordinary college students.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学教育科学学院心理系;北京林业大学心理系;首都师范大学心理系;
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