[Abstract]:The punishment is in the scope of the school moral education, the educators deny the bad behavior or the conduct of the educatees, make them experience the unpleasant feeling experience, in order to help the behavior correction, promote the behavior healthy development of a kind of education way. In school moral education, punishment is feasible and necessary. The reason is that it gets the majority of the identity and promotion of all kinds of social groups, and has already been deeply rooted in the people's mind and is regarded as an indispensable and effective way of education in the school moral education. But in the school moral education, the application of punishment should pay attention to the fact that the punishment is not allowed to leave the law, the morality and the collective, because the punishment in the moral education of the school is the legal, the condition, the reasonable, the moral education way. The punishment of school moral education can not be confused with corporal punishment and disguised corporal punishment, because it is a kind of education method based on respect for students' personality and dignity to care for students.
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