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发布时间:2018-07-27 17:15
【摘要】: 中华民国北京政府时期先后产生的中国科学社、全国教育会联合会、中华职业教育社、中华教育改进社及中华平民教育促进会总会等重要教育社团在中国民主教育建设上起了领导和推动作用。他们对民主教育宗旨和民主学制进行改革和完善,把民主教育制度建设大大向前推进。教育社团制定并促使政府颁布实行“养成健全人格,发展共和精神”的新教育宗旨。该教育宗旨强调教育要培养受教育者对国家社会的公民责任意识与能力,也就是强调民主教育要使受教育者做国家社会的主人翁。因为一个人做国家社会的主人要求其必须首先做自己的主人。因此,该教育宗旨不仅没有淡化民国初期教育宗旨中关于自由平等的公民道德价值,反而对其加以了强化。新教育宗旨不仅具有反对封建专制的意义,而且更具有建设民主共和国家的意义。教育社团还把“以儿童为中心”、“谋个性之发展”的先进的民主教育价值理念贯彻于新学制之中。在推进民主教育制度建设中,教育社团提醒中国在采借国外先进的教育制度时,不要仅模仿其外表而不得实质,而应注意该制度的价值观念和精神内核。这就指明了民主教育建设的重点问题,即民主教育建设要在提高师资质量、改善教育条件,增强教学效能上下功夫,以使受教育者发展适应社会进化、改善社会的各种能力。所以,教育社团不是满足于民主教育制度建设,他们为发展民主教育能力,维护民主教育的经济条件而采取实际行动、加倍努力。 由于封建主义思想影响及专制主义政治的存在,无论是北京政府时期还是南京国民政府时期,教育社团所理想的学校民主教育难以全面深刻推行。但中华职业教育社、中华教育改进社、中华平民教育促进会总会等重要教育社团却在其自主活动的公民社会空间里进行了深刻的学校民主教育理论与实践活动,为学校民主教育提供了成功范例,在中国学校民主教育史写下了光辉篇章。而且,在学校教育体制之外,无论在识字读书的教育普及运动中,还是在深度革新人格的新民民主教育活动中,中华平民教育促进会总会都取得了令世人瞩目的成就。中华平民教育促进会总会的成就说明具有自主独立性、吸纳了社会知识精英、执着于“民族再造”和“民族复兴”之中华民族“公共善”正义目标的教育社团,其民主教育活动成效所能达到的高度。 以上的教育社团能在兴举民主教育上取得成就,一方面是因为政府对其独立自主合法性存在的承认,另一方面,这些教育社团坚持自身独立自主的组织地位,自我确证作为公民社会组织的存在。同时,他们坚持思想自由、学术独立,在教育过程中,尊重受教育者的信仰自由,不强制灌输某种具体的政治信仰,但要求受教育者都要致力于“民族再造”、“民族复兴”之“公共善”的正义目标。基于这个正义目标,教育社团注重发挥受教育者的能动性和创造性,使其民主教育活动富有成效。而且,以这个正义目标为旗帜,教育社团能容易获得一切爱国力量的认同和支持,从而使增强自身活动的能力。
[Abstract]:The Chinese science society, the Federation of the National Education Association, the China Vocational Education Society, the China Education and improvement society and the association of the Chinese Civilian Education Promotion Association have played a leading role in the construction of democratic education in China during the period of the government of the Republic of China in Beijing. He has made a reform of the aim of democratic education and the democratic system of learning. The educational community has formulated and urged the government to promulgate and implement the new educational aim of "developing a sound personality and developing a republic spirit". The aim of this education is to cultivate the awareness and ability of the educated to the civic responsibility of the state society, that is to emphasize that the education of democracy is to be educated. As the master of the state society, the owner of a person as a national society requires that he must first be his master. Therefore, the aim of the education is not only to weaken the moral values of freedom and equality in the early period of the Republic of China, but to strengthen it. The purpose of the new education is not only to oppose feudal autocracy. It also has the significance of building a Democratic Republic. The educational association also implements the advanced democratic educational value concept of "children as the center" and "the development of individuality" in the new academic system. In promoting the construction of the democratic education system, the Educational Association reminds China to not only imitate it when it borrows the advanced education system abroad. We should pay attention to the value concept and spiritual core of the system, which points out the key problems of the construction of democratic education, that is, the construction of democratic education should improve the quality of teachers, improve the conditions of education and enhance the effectiveness of teaching, so that the development of the educated should be adapted to the social evolution and the various abilities of the society. The educational organizations are not satisfied with the construction of the democratic education system. They take practical actions to develop the ability of democratic education and maintain the economic conditions of democratic education and redouble their efforts.
Due to the influence of feudalism and the existence of autocratic politics, the ideal school democratic education in the education community is difficult to carry out in the period of Beijing government or Nanjing national government. However, the Chinese vocational education society, the Chinese education improvement society, the association of Chinese Civilian Education Promotion Association and other important educational associations are in its own In the civil social space of the main activities, the theoretical and practical activities of school democratic education have been carried out, a successful example is provided for the school democratic education, and a glorious chapter has been written in the history of school democratic education in China. Besides, in addition to the educational system of the school, it is still in depth to innovate the personality in the education popularization movement of literacy and reading. In the activities of the Democratic Education of the people of Xinmin, the Association for the promotion of civilian education has made great achievements. The achievements of the Association for the promotion of civilian education of the Chinese civilian population show that the society has independent independence, absorbs the elite of social knowledge, and insists on the Education Society of the "public good" for the "national reengineering" and "national rejuvenation". The League, its democratic education activities can achieve high results.
On the one hand, the educational associations can make achievements in the promotion of democratic education. On the one hand, it is due to the government's recognition of its independence and independence. On the other hand, these educational societies persist in their own independent organizational status and self confirm as a civil society organization. At the same time, they insist on freedom of thought, academic independence, and education. In the process, the freedom of belief of the educated is respected, and some specific political belief is not enforced, but the educated must be committed to the justice goal of "national reengineering" and "the public good" of "national rejuvenation". Based on this justice goal, the educational community pays attention to the initiative and creativity of the educated, and makes it democratic education. The activities are fruitful. And, with this goal of justice as the banner, the educational community can easily gain the identity and support of all patriotic forces, thus enabling the ability to enhance its own activities.


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