[Abstract]:Ten years ago, our magazine launched Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, "Education and Scientific Research as the Pioneer, the overall Promotion of quality Education" album. Ten years later, Suzhou's educational modernization has borne fruit. We focus our attention on Suzhou again and appreciate the style of Suzhou's educational modernization. We are pleased to see that after ten years of innovation and exploration, Suzhou's educational modernization has achieved results. In the outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Education, which was recently approved and transferred by the State Council, it is proposed that developed regions should take the lead in development and initially realize the modernization of education. The development goal of Suzhou education and the development plan of national education can be said to coincide. What is the modernization of education? How can the developed regions take the lead in realizing the modernization of education? Suzhou is one of the developed regions that put forward and systematically promote the modernization of education in the whole country. Its development ideas and measures have provided reference experience for the modernization of education in other regions. In this issue, we are divided into three parts: "Strategic thinking", "Exploration of Innovation" and "vivid documentary". We introduce the vivid practice and fresh experience of educational modernization in Suzhou City in all directions, and dedicate it to readers' friends.
【作者单位】: 中国教育学会
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