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发布时间:2016-09-20 11:25






【摘要】 “国家兴衰,在于教育;教育大计,在于教师”,教师是推动社会进步的重要因素。教师的数量与质量取决于师范教育是否发达。湖南的师范教育起步于清末,发达于民国时期。在民国时期,与全国其他省份,特别是与其他经济实力较强的省份相比,湖南的师范教育是位居前列的。为什么在经济条件并不发达的内陆省份,师范教育却较为发达,并呈现多样化,具有超前性?师范教育对湖南近代教育发展的作用与影响如何?师范教育对湖南近代化乃至全国师范教育的作用如何,等等,这些都是笔者所要探讨的问题。通过对民国时期湖南师范教育的探究,不但可以拓宽地方师范教育史乃至全国师范教育史的研究,彰显民国时期湖南师范教育的特色,具有重要的历史意义,而且对当今我国师范教育的具体实施与发展具有非常重大的现实意义。全文包括绪论、正文七章和结语等九个部分。绪论部分阐述了研究民国时期湖南师范教育的意义,梳理与综述了以往研究者对师范教育研究的主要成果,强调说明民国时期湖南师范教育研究的主要问题,并提出本文的研究思路、研究方法和主要创新之处。正文分七章。第一章阐述湖南师范教育的缘起。从中国师范教育的发展背景和清末民初湖南近代教育的发展对兴办师范教育的需求论述湖南师范教育发展的原因,并简要地叙述清末湖南师范教育的肇兴。第二章民国时期湖南师范教育概论。民国时期湖南师范教育思想既受到湖南传统教育思想的影响,也是在全国师范教育思想发展的推动下产生与发展起来的。第三章至第六章,先阐述民国时期湖南师范教育的发展轨迹,然后从教师管理机制、学生管理机制以及师范课程设置来说明湖南师范教育的运行机制,对湖南师范教育发展状况进行了量化考察与分析。第七章对民国时期湖南师范教育与全国其他省份的师范教育进行对比,揭示出湖南师范教育的个性特征。阐述湖南师范教育的发展对湖南教育发展产生的重大作用,特别是促进了湖南教育近代化。结语部分论述民国时期湖南师范教育对湖南乃至全国当今师范教育实施的现实启示。  

【Abstract】 "The rise and fall of the country lies in education;education plan is that teachers" on teachers to promote social progress are an important factor. The quantity and quality of teachers depends on that the teacher education is developed.Hunan initial teacher education started in the late Qing Dynasty,developed in the period of the Republic of China.In that time,compared with other provinces of the country,especially with strong economic strength of other provinces,teacher Education in Hunan is the forefront of teacher education of the country.Why are the economic conditions not well-developed inland provinces,teacher education is more developed diversified and advanced? What about the utility and the impact of the role teacher education play on the development of modern education in Hunan Province ? Teacher education on the role of modern education in Hunan and influence how? Teacher Education and the modernization of Hunan,the country of how the role of teacher education,and so on,these are the author to be explored.Through studying on Hunan teacher education in the period to the Republic of China,they will not only broaden the study of teacher of education in local as well as the country,show the characteristics of teacher education in Hunan and have an important historical significance;but also possess great practical significance for the specific implementation of the development of teacher education in our country today.The full thesis includes the preface,seven chapters and conclusion, such as the body part 9.The Preface part of the thesis sets forth the significance of teacher education in Hunan Province in the period of the Republic of China, clears up and summarizes the main results of researches in Teacher education,emphasizes the main problems of the period in Hunan,what's more,puts forward research ideas in this thesis,research methods and the main innovation.The main body has 7 chapters.ChapterⅠdeals with the origins of teacher education in Hunan Province.From the development background of teacher education in China and the needs to setting up teacher eduction in the develeopment of mordon education in the End of Qing Dynasty and in Hunan province early of Ming DynastyⅠexpounded the reseansons for the development of teacher education in Hunan and brief description of commence of the teacher education in Hunan during the late Qing Dynasty.In ChapterⅡIntroduction to the period of teacher education in Hunan. In thinking of the period of teacher education in Hunan Province by Hunan Province is the traditional thinking of the impact of education is also thinking of teacher education in the country to promote the development of under development。ChapterⅢto ChapterⅥfirstly expound the development track of teacher education in Hunan,and then from the teacher management system, the student management mechanism as well as curriculum plan illustrate the operation mechanism of teacher education in Hunan,and quantitatively inspect and analyze the development conditions the teacher education in Hunan.ChapterⅦ,by comparing the teacher education in Hunan province during the Republic of China with that of other parts of the country,bring to light the personality traits of teacher education in Hunan Province. Aunthor illustrate the major role which of the development of teacher education play in eduction development in Hunan Province,especially the role what promote the modernization of education in Hunan Province.Conclusion expound the reality of enlightenment on what teacher education in Hunan during the Republic of China play in part of the implementation of the teacher education in Hunan as well as the whole country at present.. 









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