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发布时间:2017-12-27 07:04

  本文关键词:高等教育服务视角下大学生“淘课”现象研究 出处:《武汉工程大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高等教育服务 淘课 中国网络视频公开课 MOOC

[Abstract]:Amoy class is also called network purchase, refers to autonomous learning through the network video viewing domestic and foreign universities open class. In recent years, "the course" has become a new trend, and gradually become popular in the world. However, what is the reason of Amoy class "popular phenomenon? Our educators and how to deal? From the" Amoy class "phenomenon in popular can get what enlightenment to strengthen our country Amoy class resource platform? What is the application status and needs of college students in China Amoy class resource platform these questions are to be answered?. This paper focuses on the study of the phenomenon of "naughty lessons" for college students. First, it summarizes the reasons and countermeasures, reflection and Enlightenment of the popular phenomenon of "naughty class" through literature analysis. Secondly, this paper analyzes the current situation and demand of the "naughty class" resource platform in college students. It is found that the application rate of "naughty class" resource platform in college students is very low, and the platform is difficult to meet the needs of the college students. The students hope to improve the curriculum resources platform in the aspects of curriculum data downloading, resource updating, interactive communication and evaluation feedback. Thirdly, from the perspective of higher education service, the paper analyzes the problems existing in our resource platform from the aspects of teaching service, learning service and course website management service. The analysis found that existing in our country's Amoy class resource platform problems mainly in the following points: learning resource module without personalized service, single form; practical curriculum of general education courses, but less, ignoring the public demand; reasonable choice of teaching methods, but the form is single, lack of classroom interaction; non personalized learning module service resources, single form; students lack of learning feedback and self evaluation system; teacher-student interaction, student student interaction learning support service lack; course platform design is comprehensive, but not fine; teaching resources are slow to update, low degree of sharing. Finally put forward to improve college students' Amoy class satisfaction strategy has the following main points by drawing on the successful experience MOOC: updating the teaching concept of service, enhance resource sharing; update, completes the dynamic monitoring; changes in teaching methods, to promote interaction; provide personalized support, paying attention to the students' feedback and evaluation; course record normalization, teaching design around the needs of students.


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