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发布时间:2018-01-04 12:31

  本文关键词:我国高校内部管理去行政化改革 出处:《华东理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 教育管理 大学治理 去行政化 制度创新

【摘要】:本文以组织变革理论和高校组织理论为基础,运用文献研究法和比较研究法,对我国高校内部管理存在的行政化问题进行分析,并参考国外大学内部管理改革的经验,对我国高校内部管理去行政化改革提出建议。 高校内部管理行政化是指高等学校的行政权力凌驾于学术权力之上,并不恰当地向学术领域渗透的现象,对学术、学校的发展产生了不利影响,造成高校内部管理行政化的原因主要有思维习惯性和历史根源性两个方面。依据系统组织理论、权变理论、高校组织理论,对改革阻力、改革的可能性进行分析表明高校内部管理去行政化势在必行。 他山之石可以攻玉,美国、英国、意大利等国外部分大学的内部管理改革经验,比如精简明了的治理结构、第三方参与管理、健全的法制和大学章程、改革过程的进度控制等,为我国高校去行政化提供了重要启示,我国高校内部管理要去行政化,首先就要从思想上正确理解高校独立之内涵;其次,还要在行政级别、治理结构、就职规则、权力约束四个方面做出积极革新,从整体到具体再到制度,逐步地全面地进行去行政化改革。
[Abstract]:This paper is based on the theory of organizational change and organizational theory, using the method of literature research and comparative study, the administrative problems of internal management in Universities in China are analyzed, and the reference of foreign university internal management reform experience, put forward suggestions on internal management of Chinese colleges and universities to administrative reform.
The internal management of university administration refers to the higher education administrative power over the academic power, is not appropriate to the academic field penetration phenomenon of academic, has adversely affected the development of the school, the cause of the internal management of university administration there are two main aspects of thinking habits and historical roots. On the basis of system organization theory University, contingency theory, organization theory, reform of the resistance analysis showed that the internal management of university administrative reform is imperative possibility.
The United States, Britain, from outside the box, the experience of the reform of internal management in Italy and other parts of the university governance structure, such as concise and clear, third party management, a sound legal system and the constitution of the University, the reform process of schedule control, administration of colleges and universities in China to provide important enlightenment to internal management of Chinese colleges and universities the chief of the first to be ideologically correct understanding of the connotation of independent colleges and universities; secondly, also in the administrative level, governance structure, office rules, four aspects of power constraints make positive innovation, from the whole to the specific to the system gradually and comprehensively to the administrative reform.



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