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  本文关键词:师范生实践性知识生成的个案研究 出处:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 师范生 教育实习 教师实践性知识 生成机制

【摘要】:教师实践性知识是教师专业成长过程中生成发展的一种特殊的知识形态。随着教师研究转向对教师决策与教师思维的关注,教师个体理论研究的兴起,教师实践性知识研究已成为研究者关注的热点,认识到教师实践性知识在教师专业成长中的重要性。但是已有研究成果多针对在职教师,很少涉及师范生,而师范生在职前教师教育阶段如何生成发展自己的实践性知识有待研究解决,师范生的教育实习是教师教育培养的重要环节,也是实践性知识生成的关键课程。因此,本研究针对师范生教育实习前后实践性知识的生成进行探究,以期为改进当前教师教育提供一些可资借鉴的知识基础。 本研究采取个案研究的策略,运用访谈、观察、录像分析和文件分析等方法收集研究数据,拟探究以下四个问题: 1.教育实习前,师范生生成了哪些实践性知识? 2.教育实习前,哪些因素形塑了师范生的实践性知识? 3.教育实习过程中,师范生的实践性知识发生了怎样的变化? 4.教育实习过程中,什么因素影响了师范生实践性知识的变化? 经过近两年时间的探究,研究发现:师范生实践性知识的生成因教育实习的特殊影响而区分为实习前与实习中两个阶段,前后阶段师范生实践性知识的生成有明显的不同;师范生教育实习之前所生成的意象,在实习中得以保持并进一步强化,以意象为核心的关于信念的知识对其它实践性知识起支配作用;师范生实践性知识的结构从抽象到具体可以分为意象、实践原则和实践规则,由意象所导引而生成的实践原则和实践规则会视情境的不同而作调整;师范生教育实习中的实践性知识相比实习前有明显的增加,但部分实践性知识因教育情境因素的影响也会停滞或倒退;影响师范生实践性知识生成的因素可以分为个人方面、情境方面和其它方面三类,实习前后阶段的影响因素有所差异,但情境方面的指导老师和个人方面的教学反思是最主要的影响因素;师范生实践性知识的生成是师范生通过个人亲自的实践尝试和确证,或通过替代性经验的观摩,经由对教育教学经验的反思,在实践中持续建构与修正而生成的。 研究建议,针对师范生而言,应提高自我反思能力来促进实践性知识的生成;应强化以先进教育理念来开展教育教学的信念;应营造真实的课堂试讲环境来促进实践性知识的生成。针对教师教育机构而言,应开设适当课程,帮助师范生反思其现有意象;应变革教学方式,加强实践规则的教学;应加强实习指导,让师范生读懂指导老师授课背后的理念;应改进实习现状,让师范生多次长时间接触实习场景。
[Abstract]:Teachers' practical knowledge is a kind of special knowledge form of teachers' professional development in the process of growing up. With the teachers of teachers and teachers to study decision-making thinking about the rise of individual teachers of theoretical research, the research of teachers' practical knowledge has become a hot point for researchers, recognizing the practical knowledge of teachers in the professional growth of teachers the importance of the existing research results. But for many teachers, rarely involved in college students, and students of teacher education development stage how to generate the study and solve practical knowledge to their students, educational practice is an important link of education and training of teachers, but also the practical key course of knowledge generation. Therefore, this study to explore the education practice and practical knowledge generation, in order to improve the current teacher education to provide some reference knowledge base The foundation.
This research adopts the case study method, through interviews, observation, video analysis and document analysis method to collect data. The research intends to explore the following four questions:
1. education before practice, students generate what practical knowledge?
2. education before practice, practical knowledge of the factors which shape the students?
3. in practice, what happens to the practical knowledge of normal school students?
4. in practice, what factors affect the normal students' practical knowledge of change?
After nearly two years of exploration, the study found that the normal students' practical knowledge generation effect due to special education practice is divided into two stages: before practice and practice, the stage before and after the normal students practical knowledge generation are significantly different; normal students' education practice before the generated image is maintained and further strengthened in practice, a dominant role in the image as the core on the belief in the knowledge of other practical knowledge; normal students practical knowledge structure from the abstract to the concrete can be divided into image, principle of practice and practice, guided by the image and practice principles and practice of rule generation will be different for the situation adjustment; practical knowledge of the education practice in practice has increased significantly, but some practical knowledge of education due to the impact of situational factors will affect the normal stagnation or retrogression; Students practice factors of knowledge generation can be divided into individual situations, and other aspects of three kinds of factors affecting the practice stages vary, but the teacher teaching reflection and personal contexts is the main influence factors; student teachers' practical knowledge is generated by the normal person practice and confirmation, or by observing the vicarious experience, through Reflection on education and teaching experience, in the practice of continuous construction and modification of generation.
Research suggests that, for normal students, we should improve the capacity of self reflection to promote the practice of knowledge generation; should be established with advanced education ideas to carry out education and teaching beliefs; classroom teaching should create a real environment to promote the formation of practical knowledge. In view of teacher education institutions should set up the appropriate curriculum, help students to reflect on the existing image; should change teaching methods, strengthening the practice of teaching the rules; we should strengthen the guidance of practice, let the students understand the teacher teaching idea behind; should improve the practice situation, allowing students to practice repeatedly for a long time to contact the scene.



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