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发布时间:2018-01-04 17:34

  本文关键词:传统家训文化对大学生健全人格培养的作用研究 出处:《太原理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 家训文化 人格培养 思政教育 中国特色

【摘要】:发展的大潮汹涌澎湃,势不可挡。作为中华民族未来的接力人,大学生这一群体如何引领中国时代步入新的辉煌,需要更超群的智慧和胆识。这一切都离不开人格的力量去感召智慧,去凝聚共识。大学生健全人格培养是时代进步的需要,是社会发展的需要,也是每一个大学生自我实现的需要。 人格是一个人的志趣、性格、能力、心理、气质等等的集中表现,是其知识积累、道德修养和意志磨炼的结晶,往往能够通过日常交往、工作态度、社会活动等具体的实践,反映其思想觉悟、道德情操、工作能力所达到的水准;同时,又能以感性作用于客观实际,影响身边的人与环境,进而对整个社会形成一定影响。社会主义核心价值观中强调坚持以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神。我们能够深刻的理解一个国家和地区的崛起,在充分吸收世界经验的同时,更需要注入本土灵魂。近年来,我国较为重视中华民族精神的弘扬和培育,但需要与之相适应的具体实践,传统家训文化中的优秀育人思想多以儒家文化为蓝本,其中也发展了许多新的理论和独到见解,特别是以修身、处世、治家、为学四方面的论述为主来体现人与社会发展的关系。 本文将从大学生健全人格培养的发展现状和传统家训文化的发展现状着手,分析它们之间的联系,提出唤起传统家训文化的现实意义。并通过对现在大学生存在的人格问题的探究,剖析了大学生群体中人格问题的突出原因,最后总体阐述了家训文化对推进大学生健全人格培养的意义、作用及途径。 当前高校思想政治教育,在许多方面须创新发展以提升其活力和影响,亟需借鉴传统家训文化以丰富其内涵,使大学生在健全人格培养的过程中继承并融合中华传统文化,提升人格品位,运用和发挥高尚人格的力量去激励自身,进而实现全面的发展。天下兴亡,匹夫有责,我们须从中温习做人行事的道理,体悟人生之真谛。我们有必要结合当前大学生的思想、心理特点,结合当前经济、社会发展的环境,从人与自然、人与社会、人与人的角度全方位解析传统家训文化在健全人格培养中的重要作用,探究其现实意义以及实现途径。
[Abstract]:As the relay of the future of the Chinese nation , how the college students lead the Chinese era into a new glory and need more wisdom and courage . All of this is inseparable from the strength of the personality to summon the wisdom and to unite the consensus . The cultivation of the healthy personality of the college students is the need of the progress of the times . It is the need of social development and the need of each college student ' s self - realization . In recent years , our country pays great attention to the rise of the Chinese nation spirit and the spirit of the times which is the core of reform and innovation . In recent years , we have paid much attention to the spirit of patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times , which is the core of reform and innovation . In recent years , we have paid much attention to the spirit of patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times , which is the core of reform and innovation . In recent years , we have paid much attention to the spirit of patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times . This paper begins with the development of college students ' healthy personality cultivation and the development of traditional family training culture , analyzes the connection between them , and puts forward the practical significance of arousing the traditional family training culture . At present , ideological and political education in colleges and universities needs to be innovated and developed in many ways to improve its vitality and influence . It is urgent to learn from the traditional family training culture to enrich its connotation , promote the personality taste , use and exert the power of noble personality to inspire itself , and realize the true meaning of life . We need to combine the thought and psychological characteristics of the current college students , and analyze the important role of traditional family training culture in the cultivation of healthy personality from the angle of man and nature , people and society , people and human beings .



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