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发布时间:2018-01-04 18:10

  本文关键词:基于一卡通数据的大学生消费分析的技术路线研究与实例分析 出处:《大连医科大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 一卡通数据 大学生 消费 食堂 浴池

【摘要】:目的:消费是人类通过消费品满足自身欲望的经济行为,,此类经济行为是当前社会最为普遍的生活行为,大学生作为特殊的消费群体,由于其独特的教育经历和所处的校园环境,使得他们的消费行为具有自己的特点。 国内外有关消费主题的研究有很多,但是很少有专门针对学校内经济行为的研究。由于我校地处城郊,交通不够便利等原因,我校校园内消费情况的分析具有一定的代表性。以往的大学生消费的研究数据多来自问卷调查方式,数据的准确性及客观性会在一定程度上受到被调查者主观因素的干扰。本研究数据直接源于一卡通数据中心的后台数据库,采用数据挖掘的模式,探求学生在校园内经济行为的特点及不同自然特征学生的消费差异性,为学校建设基础设施及制定对学生消费观念的引导方向提供依据,并整理出可用于卫生事业管理中各种流水账数据转换成可用于分析的SPSS文件的数据转换的技术路线。 技术路线:将数据从Oracle数据库中导出,从学生身份证号中提取性别,年龄等自然信息,再将以时间为序的消费记录整合成为每个人在校园内不同场所的消费信息,定义身份证号为唯一标识,连接学生的自然信息与消费信息生成可用于分析的SPSS文件,最后再剔除外国留学生及教职工,年龄小于16岁或大于26岁的学生,自然信息不完全的学生的记录。 使用SPSS16.0对数据进行录入、整理及统计分析。在以往的研究中多采用均数来描述学生一般的消费水平,但是学生的消费数据一般呈正偏态分布,均数夸大了实际的消费水平,所以本研究利用中位值进行描述性分析,并采用非参数检验方法对不同性别、不同年级的学生的一卡通消费总金额、食堂消费及其所占总消费的比例、浴池消费之间的差异进行比较。 实例分析: 1.我校学生2009年-2010年50%学生在校园消费总金额在612.7元至1134.8元之间。 2.男生的一卡通消费总金额在整体上高于女生;各年级的学生一卡通总消费没有显著差异,消费总金额的中位值无规律性变化。 3.50%的学生在食堂消费金额在548.55元至1065元之间,占一卡通总消费的88.46%至95.13%之间。 4.男生在食堂总消费和在食堂消费所占一卡通总消费比例上整体明显高于女生;不同年级的学生在食堂消费、食堂消费所占一卡通消费比例上都没有差异。 5.女生的浴池次消费平均划卡次数和每次刷卡金额都高于男生;不同年级的学生在浴池次消费平均划卡次数及每次刷卡金额上并无明显不同。 结论: 1.此数据转换与分析的技术路线可用于卫生事业管理中各种流水型数据的分析。 2.一卡通消费虽然能反映学生的消费特点,但不能准确反映学生的实际消费水平。 3.在一卡通总消费上,男生整体高于女生,不同年级间的学生不存在差异。 4.一卡通在食堂消费占总消费的比例普遍较高,说明学生使用一卡通主要用于食堂消费。 5.女生在浴池的消费高于男生,不同年级的学生的浴池消费没有差异。
[Abstract]:Objective: through human consumption of consumer goods to meet the economic behavior of their own desires, such economic behavior is the most popular social life behavior, college students as a special consumer groups, because of its unique educational experience and the campus environment, so their consumption behavior has its own characteristics.
There is a lot of research at home and abroad about the theme of consumption, but few studies have specifically addressed the economic behavior in the school. Because our school is located in the suburbs, inconvenient traffic and other reasons, is a representative of the consumption of our school campus. The research data of the previous consumption of College students from questionnaire survey accuracy and the objectivity of the data will be investigated the interference of subjective factors in a certain extent. Based on the data directly from the card data center database, using data mining models, the difference of consumption characteristics of the economic behavior of students on campus and explore different natural characteristics of students, provide the basis for the school infrastructure construction and the direction for students to develop and guide consumer attitudes, and sorted out can be used for a variety of health management in the journal data into SPSS can be used for the analysis of the The technical route of data conversion.
Technical route: the data derived from the Oracle database, extracted from the student ID number in gender, age and other natural information, then the order of time consumption records integration become everyone in different places on campus consumption information, define the ID number that uniquely identifies, even generate natural information and consumer information with students can be used for the analysis of the SPSS file, and finally eliminate foreign students and teaching staff, less than 16 years of age or older than 26 students, students with incomplete information records.
The data were recorded using SPSS16.0, analysis and statistics. In previous studies on the use of all students to describe the general level of consumption, but the consumption data of students generally positive skewness distribution, mean overstate actual consumption level, so this study use median descriptive analysis, and use of different gender non parametric test methods, students of different grades in the total amount of the card consumption, and canteen consumption accounted for the total consumption ratio, compare the difference between the consumption of the bath.
Example analysis:
1. the total amount of 50% students in our school in -2010 2009 is between 612.7 yuan and 1134.8 yuan.
2., the total consumption amount of card consumption in boys is higher than that in girls. There is no significant difference in total consumption among all grades, and the median value of total consumption is irregular.
3.50% of the students spent between 548.55 and 1065 yuan in the cafeteria, accounting for 88.46% to 95.13% of the total consumption of one card.
4., the total consumption of the boys in the mess hall and the total consumption of the card in the dining hall is significantly higher than that of the girls. There is no difference between the consumption of the students in different grades in the cafeteria and the consumption of the card consumption.
5., the average number of card trips and the amount of credit card consumption per student is higher than that of boys. There is no significant difference in the average number of card trips and the amount of credit card consumption per student.
1. the technical route of this data conversion and analysis can be used for the analysis of various flow data in the management of health services.
Although the 2. one card consumption can reflect the characteristics of the students' consumption, it can not accurately reflect the actual consumption level of the students.
3. in the total consumption of one card, boys are higher than girls as a whole, and there is no difference between students in different grades.
The proportion of the 4. one card in the dining hall is generally higher than that of the total consumption, indicating that the students' use of one card is mainly used in dining hall consumption.
5. the consumption of girls in the bath is higher than that of boys, and there is no difference in the consumption of the bathtub in different grades.



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