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  本文关键词:生态文明建设下的大学生环境道德教育研究 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 生态文明 大学生 环境道德教育

【摘要】:胡锦涛总书记在十八大报告中指出:“建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。” 生态环境问题是我们当今社会所面临的严重问题之一,生态环境问题的出现给我们人类的可持续发展带来了严峻的挑战。如工业化生产和城市化迅速发展导致严重的大气污染,由此雾霾天气不断出现;严重的水污染,导致沿海连年爆发赤潮;森林的乱砍乱伐,导致水土流失、泥石流和沙尘暴等次生灾害的不断发生等等。这些无不威胁着我们的生存安全、身体健康以及人与自然之间的可持续发展。 生态文明正是人类在不断的反思工业化进程中出现的种种生态环境问题,反思以往人类对待自然环境所持有的价值观是否正确的基础之上形成的一种崭新的文明形态。它体现的是人与自然之间的关系,这种关系是一种可持续发展的关系,是在遵循大自然规律基础之上能动的改造自然的创造性活动。 生态文明建设是个系统性工程,需要多方面的资源整合,而环境道德意识是其精神道德依托和基础。因此,需要对社会成员进行生态环境道德意识教育,只有当人们普遍具有了环境道德意识,才能更好的建设生态文明社会。环境道德教育是对公民进行环境道德意识培育的一个重要途径和方法,环境道德教育是指“一定的社会,为了使人们在生态活动中遵循生态道德行为的基本原则和规范,自觉履行维护生态平衡的义务,有组织、有计划地对人们施加系统的生态道德影响的一种活动。它是环境道德要求转化为人们的环境道德品质的重要手段”。② 在公民环境道德意识的教育中,大学生作为一个特殊的精英群体,是未来生态文明建设的主要力量与重要人才。培育他们的环境道德意识和责任感,对树立其可持续的生态环境发展观,是非常必要的。20世纪80年代起,党中央就开始重视生态环境道德教育,并于1991年成立了国家高等学校环境科学教学指导委员会;1997年1月,发布了《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要(1996—2010年)》,明确指出“大学也要开展环境教育,并且使环境教育成为素质教育的一部分,师范院校要逐步把环境课列为必修课程,高等院校的非环境专业要开设环保公共选修课”。同年,北京师范大学成立了环境教育中心,这是我国第一个生态环境教育的高等教育机构。之后西南师范大学、华东师范大学也相继成立环境教育中心。 从当前情况来看,我国大学生环境道德教育虽取得了一些成就,但还存在着很多问题。如高校环境道德教育类课程的缺失,高校环境道德教育师资力量的薄弱,大学生环境道德教育教学形式单一、教育内容枯燥等。因此,改进当前大学生环境道德教育的方式方法,提高大学生的环境道德意识,帮助大学生树立科学的生态环境发展观和环境道德观就显得尤为重要。 大学生环境道德教育需要有丰富的思想溯源与理论基础。中国传统朴素的生态环境思想,儒道佛的生态智慧,为我们今天的生态文明建设与大学生环境道德教育提供了重要思想渊源;马克思恩格斯的生态环境观及当代科学发展观的思想为大学生环境道德教育提供了重要的理论基础。 为了使大学生环境道德教育的教学实践取得成效,本文从两个方面进行了教学实效性的对策分析:一是有效性的原则分析,其中包括教学内容的综合性原则、理论教育和实践性参与原则、教育形式丰富多样性原则;二是有效路径分析,包括建立和完善大学生环境道德教育课程体系,加强师资队伍的建设,开展绿色校园文化建设,整合校外环境道德教育资源等。 生态文明建设是当今社会建设中的一个长期而又艰巨的任务,因此对大学生进行环境道德教育也必将是一项长期的教育实践活动,其教育成果直接关系到今后我国生态文明建设的成效。所以,探讨生态文明建设下的大学生环境道德教育,寻找大学生环境道德教育的有效性路径,不仅具有理论意义,也有重要的实践价值。
[Abstract]:General secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in the eighteen report that "the construction of ecological civilization, is people's well-being, the long-term development of our nation. In the face of tight resource constraints, environmental pollution, ecosystem degradation grim situation, we must establish respect for nature, comply with nature, protecting the natural ecological civilization, the ecological civilization construction in a prominent position, into economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and all aspects of the whole process, and strive to build a beautiful China, realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation"
The ecological environment problem is one of the serious problems facing our society today, the appearance of ecological environment problem has brought serious challenges to our sustainable development. Such as industrial production and the rapid development of the city caused serious air pollution, the haze weather appears continuously; water pollution is serious, leading to the outbreak of red tide in coastal forest; lead to deforestation, soil erosion, landslides and dust storms and other secondary disasters occur repeatedly and so on. These are a threat to the survival of our safety and health as well as between man and nature and sustainable development.
Ecological civilization is the various ecological problems appear in human continuous reflection in the process of industrialization, the natural environment to reflect on the past human values held by a new form of civilization is the right basis of formation. It embodies the relationship between man and nature, the relationship is a kind of sustainable development that is to follow the laws of nature on the basis of the transformation of natural creative activities.
Ecological civilization construction is a systematic project which needs the integration of resources, environment and moral awareness is the foundation of it. Therefore, the need for ecological environment of moral education to the members of the society. Only when people generally have the environmental moral consciousness, to better the construction of ecological civilization society. Environmental moral education is one of the important ways and methods of cultivating the environmental moral consciousness of citizens, environmental moral education refers to a certain society, in order to enable the people to follow the ecological moral behavior in the ecological activities of the basic principles and norms, conscientiously fulfill the duty of safeguarding the ecological balance, organized an activity, there are plans to impose ecological moral influence the system of people. It is the environmental moral requirements into an important means of environmental moral qualities. 2
In the citizen environmental morality education, college students as a special group, is the main force in the future of the construction of ecological civilization and the important talents. To cultivate their awareness of environmental ethics and sense of responsibility, to establish the ecological environment and sustainable development, it is necessary to.20 century since 80s, the CPC Central Committee began pay attention to the ecological environment of moral education, and in 1991 established the National College of Environmental Science Teaching Guidance Committee; January 1997, issued the "national environmental publicity and education action plan (1996 - 2010)", clearly pointed out that "the university to carry out environmental education and environmental education as a part of quality education, normal colleges should gradually environment class as a compulsory course in Institutions of higher learning, non environmental majors should take public elective course" set up environmental protection. In the same year, Beijing Normal University established the center for environmental education, this is me The first institution of higher education in the country's ecological environment education. After that, the Southwestern Normal University and the East China Normal University have also set up the environmental education center.
From the current situation, the environmental moral education of college students in China have made some achievements, but there are still many problems. Such as the lack of University environmental moral education courses, weak University environmental moral education teachers, university students environment moral education education teaching form a single, boring content. Therefore, the improved method of environmental moral education college students, improve the students' environmental moral consciousness, help students establish the ecological environment of the scientific concept of development and the concept of environmental ethics is particularly important.
College Students' moral education environment need to have rich ideological traceability and theoretical basis. China traditional simple thought of ecological environment, the ecological wisdom of Confucianism and Buddha, for today's construction of ecological civilization and university students environment moral education provides an important ideological origin; Marx Engels's view of ecological environment and contemporary Scientific Outlook on Development thought provides an important theoretical basis for college students' moral education environment.
In order to make the teaching practice of university students environment moral education effectiveness, this paper analyzes the teaching effectiveness of countermeasures from two aspects: one is the analysis of the effectiveness of the principle, the comprehensive principle including teaching content, theory and practice of the principle of participation, form of education rich diversity principle; two is the effective path analysis, including the establishment and improvement of College Students' environmental moral education curriculum system, strengthen the construction of teachers, to carry out the construction of green campus culture, the integration of campus environment of moral education resources.
The construction of ecological civilization is a long-term and arduous task in the construction of today's society, so college students' moral education environment is also a long-term educational practice, the educational achievement is directly related to the future of China's ecological civilization construction achievements. Therefore, exploration on the environmental moral education of college students for the construction of ecological civilization. Find the path of the effectiveness of university moral education environment, not only has theoretical significance, but also has important practical value.



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