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发布时间:2018-01-04 21:44

  本文关键词:论自我意识在大学生道德自律形成中的作用 出处:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 自我意识 大学生 道德自律

【摘要】:道德自律作为个体道德水平发展的最高实现形式,源于人对社会价值关系的内化。大学生作为社会未来发展的主体,拥有较高的自我意识水平以及丰富的道德知识储备,培养大学生道德自律精神是我国高校思想道德教育的重要任务。结合当代大学生自我意识突出的心理特点探究道德自律实现问题具有重要的理论和实践价值。 本文从个体自我意识发展入手,以心理动力为切入点,将探究自我意识在大学生道德自律形成中的作用机制作为研究主题,系统考察了国内外道德自律实现的相关理论。在对道德自律和自我意识概念、特征及构成梳理概括的基础上,分析了道德自律实现的个体道德心理条件。进而,,从理论上对自我意识在道德自律形成中的作用机制进行探究,并通过问卷调查加以实证验证。最后从个体自我意识发展视角,提出了促进大学生道德自律实现的培育措施。 通过理论分析和调查研究,本文主要得出如下结论:自我意识作为一个多维度、多层次的复杂心理系统,是道德自律形成的心理动力,个体的自我意识水平与道德自律水平呈显著正相关。在道德自律形成过程中,自我意识的动力作用具体表现为:通过个体自我调节系统、自我导向系统和自我功能系统三个动力系统的调节监控,深化自我认知、丰富自我体验、加强自我监控,从而推动道德认知、道德情感、道德意志的协调发展。经过道德规范的认知强化、情感激发、意志调控,将外在的道德要求转化为个体的道德需要,增强大学生的道德自律自为感,最终形成道德自律。 在培育大学生道德自律过程中,必须由提升大学生自我意识水平入手,结合大学生自我意识发展阶段和年龄特征,进行道德知识传授、道德情感激发、道德实践磨砺,在知、情、意三者平衡发展中,有效地提高道德教育效果,促进大学生道德自律精神的实现。
[Abstract]:As the highest realization form of individual moral level development, moral self-discipline originates from the internalization of social value relationship. College students are the main body of the future development of society. Have a high level of self-awareness and rich moral knowledge reserve. Cultivating the moral self-discipline spirit of college students is an important task of ideological and moral education in colleges and universities in China. It is of great theoretical and practical value to explore the realization of moral self-discipline in combination with the prominent psychological characteristics of contemporary college students. Starting with the development of individual self-consciousness and taking psychological motivation as the starting point, this paper takes exploring the function mechanism of self-consciousness in the formation of moral self-discipline of college students as the research theme. On the basis of summarizing the concept, characteristics and composition of moral self-discipline, this paper analyzes the individual moral psychological conditions of the realization of moral self-discipline, and then analyzes the relevant theories about the realization of moral self-discipline at home and abroad. From the theory of self-awareness in the formation of moral self-discipline to explore the role of mechanism, and through questionnaires to verify the empirical. Finally, from the perspective of the development of individual self-consciousness. The cultivation measures to promote the realization of moral self-discipline of college students are put forward. Through theoretical analysis and investigation, this paper draws the following conclusions: as a multi-dimensional and multi-level complex psychological system, self-awareness is the psychological motive force for the formation of moral self-discipline. In the process of the formation of moral self-discipline, the dynamic function of self-consciousness is as follows: through the individual self-regulation system. Self-directed system and self-functional system of the three dynamic systems of regulation and monitoring, deepening self-awareness, enrich self-experience, strengthen self-monitoring, so as to promote moral cognition, moral emotion. The harmonious development of moral will. Through the moral norms of cognitive strengthening, emotional stimulation, will control, the external moral requirements into the individual moral needs, enhance the moral self-discipline of college students. Finally, moral self-discipline is formed. In the process of cultivating college students' moral self-discipline, we must start with raising the level of college students' self-consciousness, combine with the development stage and age characteristics of college students' self-consciousness, impart moral knowledge and stimulate moral emotion. The moral practice hones, in the knowledge, the emotion, the meaning three balanced development, effectively enhances the moral education effect, promotes the university student moral self-discipline spirit realization.


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