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发布时间:2018-01-05 03:36

  本文关键词:新形势下高校安全问题及对策研究 出处:《长春工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 安全问题 解决措施

【摘要】:高校安全稳定是构建和谐校园的重要组成部分,而高校安全教育是安全稳定工作的一项重要内容,是关系国家可持续发展、社会长治久安的重大问题。近年,我国高等教育迅速发展,高校在办学规模和管理模式上都发生了变化,高校校园已经由过去封闭型转变为与市场经济相适应的开放型,这些都给高校带来生机与活力,但同时也给高校安全管理工作难度加大,校园安全问题日益突现出来。高校安全问题是高等教育科学发展必须面对的现实问题,也日益成为社会关注的焦点问题之一。就目前我国高校安全问题的状况来讲,安全工作是否做得好、是否做到位,其中的意义非常重大,而如何能够做好、如何做到位、并且做到与时俱进,这需要我们转变原有的传统观念,积极研究思考,探索解决问题的办法,结合目前高校安全问题的实际情况,建立和完善高校安全工作的有效对策机制,做好高校安全稳定工作,必须内容详实全面、措施得力得法,宣传渠道多元,只有这样才能共同构建和谐、平安、文明的大学校园。 本文主要通过三大部分对新形势下高校安全问题及对策展开研究。第一部分试从高校安全的涵义、高校安全的特征、加强高校安全工作的重要性等方面对高校安全问题相关概念进行界定,作为理论和认识研究的逻辑起点;第二部分试从高校安全存在的问题表现、成因分析等方面对当前高校安全存在的问题及形成原因进行归纳和分析;第三部分试从加强领导安全意识、社会高校齐抓共管、完善高校法律法规、教职学工立体监管、加大预防资金投入等方面对解决高校安全问题提出建设性对策。总之,本文结合新时期和谐社会建设的目标和要求,以及我国高校的发展规律的内在要求,针对当前我国高校安全存在问题的现状与不足,深入地分析了当前问题出现的原因,并提出完善和改进我国高校安全工作的建议,力争为创建安全、文明、和谐校园进行有益探索,为领导决策提供有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:University safety and stability is an important part of building a harmonious campus, and university safety education is an important part of security and stability work, is a major issue related to national sustainable development and social long-term stability. With the rapid development of higher education in China, the scale and management mode of higher education have changed, and the campus has changed from the closed type to the open type which is adapted to the market economy. All these bring vitality and vitality to colleges and universities, but at the same time, it also increases the difficulty of safety management in colleges and universities, and the problems of campus security come out day by day. The security problems in colleges and universities are the realistic problems that must be faced by the scientific development of higher education. Also increasingly become one of the focus issues of social concern. In terms of the current situation of security issues in colleges and universities in our country, the safety work is done well, and whether it is done in place is of great significance, and how to do it well. How to do it in place and keep pace with the times requires us to change the original traditional concept, actively study and think, explore the solution to the problem, combined with the actual situation of security problems in colleges and universities. To establish and perfect the effective countermeasure mechanism of university safety work and to do well the work of safety and stability in colleges and universities, the contents must be detailed and comprehensive, the measures should be effective and the propaganda channels should be diversified. Only in this way can we build harmony and peace together. Civilized university campuses. This paper mainly through three parts of the new situation under the university security problems and countermeasures to carry out research. The first part from the meaning of university security, the characteristics of university security. The importance of strengthening the work of security in colleges and universities is defined as the logical starting point of theoretical and cognitive research. The second part tries to sum up and analyze the existing problems and the forming reasons of the security in colleges and universities from the aspects of the problems and causes of the security in colleges and universities. The third part tries to strengthen the safety awareness of leaders, social colleges and universities to jointly manage, improve the laws and regulations of colleges and universities, teaching and learning staff three-dimensional supervision. In short, this paper combines the objectives and requirements of the construction of a harmonious society in the new period, as well as the inherent requirements of the law of the development of colleges and universities in China. In view of the present situation and deficiency of the security problems in colleges and universities in our country, this paper analyzes the causes of the current problems, and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting and improving the safety work in colleges and universities in our country, in order to create security and civilization. The harmonious campus carries on the beneficial exploration, provides the beneficial reference for the leadership decision.


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