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发布时间:2018-01-05 07:38

  本文关键词:基于目标管理的陕西省独立学院学生管理工作研究 出处:《长安大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 目标管理 独立学院 学生管理

【摘要】:近些年,高校体制改革步伐加快,尤其是高校的扩招与合并,导致很多高校的独立学院改变了自身规模以及内部组织,而独立学院作为国内高校对教育模式以及办学体制的新探索,在学生管理方面的理念与模式更要跟随发展的脚步,进行新的调整。经过多方面的尝试,目标管理这一理念因其富有独特的现代管理特点,而被众多独立学院看好。在独立学院学生管理当中运用目标管理,能够满足校园日益增长的文化需求,强化独立学院“以人为本”的学生管理理念。 目标管理在独立学院学生管理中的应用,能够带来很多的正面效应,但同时也因为独立学院的特殊性,在实际的运用当中也会存在很多的问题,正确的认识与应用目标管理,是目前独立学院的各级学生管理部门所需要面对的新课题。 本文分为五部分,第一部分选题背景及意义,文献综述,研究思路和方法。第二部分介绍了目标管理的概念,阐述了独立学院实施目标管理的理论基础。第三部分阐述了目标管理的要求,,对国外如美国、日本、澳大利亚等学生管理工作及其借鉴意义进行了研究。第四部分分析了陕西省独立学院学生管理工作的现状以及所存在的问题。第五部分针对陕西省独立学院学生管理的现状及存在问题,基于目标管理理论提出了自己的解决方案。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the pace of institutional reform in colleges and universities has accelerated, especially the expansion and merger of colleges and universities, resulting in many independent colleges and universities have changed their own scale and internal organization. As the new exploration of the educational model and the school running system, the independent college should follow the pace of development and make a new adjustment in the aspect of student management. The concept of objective management is valued by many independent colleges because of its unique modern management characteristics. The use of objective management in student management of independent colleges can meet the growing cultural needs of the campus. Strengthen the concept of "people-oriented" student management in independent colleges. The application of objective management in student management of independent colleges can bring a lot of positive effects, but at the same time, because of the particularity of independent colleges, there will be a lot of problems in the practical application. The correct understanding and application of target management is a new subject that students' management departments at all levels of independent colleges need to face. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part of the background and significance of the topic, literature review, research ideas and methods. The second part introduces the concept of objective management. The third part expounds the requirements of objective management for foreign countries such as the United States and Japan. Part 4th analyzes the current situation and existing problems of student management in Shaanxi independent college. Part 5th is aimed at the students of Shaanxi independent college. The present situation and existing problems of management. Based on the objective management theory, the author puts forward his own solution.


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1 宋周,何燕;当前高校目标管理实施现状述评[J];成都大学学报(社会科学版);2002年04期




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