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发布时间:2018-01-05 13:02

  本文关键词:校园微博文化视野中的高校班级管理研究 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 微博 微博文化 班级管理 微管理

【摘要】:随着互联网技术的不断发展,在以微博为代表的新兴媒体渗透进入了人们生活的方方面面,微博己成为人们获取信息资讯、情感表达、交友娱乐的重要平台,而大学生则是微博用户的主要人群,微博作为自媒体,具备内容短小、语言平实、发布迅捷的传播特点,对青年学生而言,微博的积极影响在于有利于获取信息和接受教育,但同时,也对大学生的价值观形塑、良好学习习惯、生活习惯的养成带来了挑战。高校班级是在校大学生的基本教学单位和生活圈层,微博传播的出现显然给置身于其中的大学生带来了冲击和影响,形成了一种特殊的亚文化形态:校园微博文化。 针对校园微博文化这一新生事物,高校管理工作应该紧跟时代潮流,在微博领域完善高校教育工作的理论体系;同时,微博文化给高校班级管理带来了新的契机与挑战,我们不仅要认清微博语境下班级管理的目标、内容和特点,更要规避微博文化造成的负面影响、寻求微博文化下班级管理的新途径、新方法,引导当代大学生形成正确的人生观、价值观和世界观。本研究首先探讨微博对高校班级管理的影响机制,而后分析微博文化下高校管理的内涵,即微博视野中的班级管理的内容、目标及特点。结合网络问卷调查和微博样本调查的方式,获得大学生微博使用的基本情况和班级管理现状。结合高校管理实际,指出微博文化视野中高校班级管理存在的问题,在分析问题形成的原因的基础上提出了微博文化视野中高校班级管理的具体措施。经过研究,梳理出了微博文化冲击下的高校班级管理存在的问题,即班级管理目标迷失;班级管理组织混乱,常规管理低效;辅导员、班主任权威的消逝和转移;网络给学生带来道德和行为的负面冲击等。结合中国高校管理实际和大学生思想现状,提出了在微博文化视野中高校班级管理需坚持主流文化的引导、进行班级管理目标和内容的调整,更从传播学的视角出发,提出班级“微管理”的策略。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of Internet technology, Weibo as the representative of the emerging media infiltration into all aspects of people's lives, Weibo has become an important platform for people to obtain information, emotional expression, friends and entertainment. College students are the main group of Weibo users, Weibo as a self-media, with short content, plain language, the characteristics of rapid dissemination, for young students. Weibo's positive influence lies in the benefits of obtaining information and receiving education, but at the same time, it also shapes the values and good study habits of college students. College class is the basic teaching unit and life circle of college students, and the emergence of Weibo obviously brings impact and influence to the students who are in it. Formed a special form of subculture: campus Weibo culture. In view of the campus Weibo culture as a new thing, the management of colleges and universities should keep up with the trend of the times and perfect the theoretical system of university education work in Weibo field. At the same time, Weibo culture has brought new opportunities and challenges to class management in colleges and universities. We should not only recognize the objectives, contents and characteristics of class management in the context of Weibo, but also avoid the negative impact caused by Weibo culture. In order to guide contemporary college students to form a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook, this study first explores the influence mechanism of Weibo on class management in colleges and universities. Then it analyzes the connotation of university management under Weibo culture, that is, the contents, objectives and characteristics of class management in Weibo's vision, combined with the network questionnaire survey and Weibo sample survey. To obtain the basic situation of college students' use of Weibo and the current situation of class management. Combined with the reality of university management, this paper points out the problems in college class management from the perspective of Weibo culture. On the basis of analyzing the causes of the problems, this paper puts forward the concrete measures of the university class management from the perspective of Weibo culture, and combs out the problems existing in the university class management under the impact of Weibo culture. That is, the goal of class management is lost; The organization of class management is chaotic and the routine management is inefficient; Counselors, the disappearance and transfer of the authority of the head teacher; The network brings negative impact on students' morality and behavior. Combined with the reality of university management in China and the ideological situation of college students, this paper puts forward that the guidance of mainstream culture should be adhered to in the view of Weibo culture. The aim and content of class management are adjusted, and the strategy of "micro management" is put forward from the perspective of communication.


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