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发布时间:2018-01-05 13:13

  本文关键词:全球化背景下大学生国家认同的构建 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 全球化 大学生 文化认同 政治认同

【摘要】:在全球化这个不可逆转的潮流中,国家认同危机的出现是普遍存在的状况。西方国家在全球化的进程中处于主导优势地位,发展中国家则困难重重。全球化给中国带来了发展的机遇,为大学生构建国家认同创设了良好的环境,提供了必须的物质基础。同时,也要理性的看到,全球化也带来了巨大的压力和挑战,西方的文化霸权主义还在继续,多元文化的冲击使得大学生的价值观出现混乱;政治民主化进程并不顺利,人权问题仍然被一些国家所利用;经济的发展还有许多看得见和看不见的壁垒阻碍,我国现代化的道路上依旧障碍重重。社会的各种不安定因素更是凸显了国家认同构建的必要性和紧迫性。国家认同危机的存在,无疑会导致国家现代化进程的中断,影响中国民族复兴的顺利发展。也会致使大学生的爱国主义思想淡化,国家观念淡漠,不利于大学生的健康成长和长远发展。 本文简要探讨了国家认同的内涵和构建国家认同的可行性。分析了在中国大学生群体中,国家认同危机的表现和诱因,阐述了大学生群体中的政治认同危机和文化认同危机的事实存在。中国作为一个多民族的发展中大国,在对大学生群体构建国家认同的时候,一方面要构建强大的中华文化认同,深化大学生对中国社会主义核心价值体系的理解;另一方面,要大力推进大学生的政治社会化进程,推进大学生的政治认同。通过历史教育为大学生描绘我国悠久的“集体记忆”;通过文物古迹的参观游览,让大学生感受到我国坚强不催的民族精神;通过改善高校的组织管理模式,锻炼大学生的政治参与热情;通过加强媒体监管,保证积极向上的媒体环境,构建完善的国家形象传播机制;通过加强立法和重视民生,改善民众生活环境。用这些方法改善大学生的政治观和价值观,树立正确的人生信仰,构建强大的国家认同。
[Abstract]:In the irreversible trend of globalization, the emergence of national identity crisis is a common situation. Western countries in the process of globalization in the dominant position. The developing countries are facing many difficulties. Globalization has brought the opportunity of development for China, created a good environment for college students to build national identity, and provided the necessary material basis. At the same time, it should be seen rationally. Globalization has also brought great pressure and challenges, Western cultural hegemonism continues, the impact of multiculturalism makes the values of college students appear confusion; The process of political democratization has not been smooth, and human rights issues are still being exploited by some countries; There are many visible and invisible barriers to economic development. The road of modernization of our country is still full of obstacles. All kinds of social instability factors highlight the necessity and urgency of the construction of national identity and the existence of the crisis of national identity. It will undoubtedly lead to the interruption of the national modernization process and affect the smooth development of the national rejuvenation of China. It will also lead to the desalination of the patriotism of college students and the indifference of the national concept. It is not conducive to the healthy growth and long-term development of college students. This paper briefly discusses the connotation of national identity and the feasibility of building national identity, and analyzes the manifestation and inducement of the crisis of national identity in Chinese college students. This paper expounds the existence of the crisis of political identity and the crisis of cultural identity among the college students. As a developing country with many nationalities, China is building a national identity for the college students. On the one hand, it is necessary to build a strong Chinese cultural identity and deepen college students' understanding of the core value system of Chinese socialism; On the other hand, it is necessary to vigorously promote the process of political socialization of college students, promote their political identity, and portray our country's long "collective memory" through historical education. Through the visit of cultural relics and historic sites, let the university students feel the strong and unhurried national spirit of our country; Through improving the organization and management mode of colleges and universities, we can exercise the enthusiasm of political participation of college students; Through strengthening the media supervision, ensuring the positive media environment, constructing the perfect national image communication mechanism; Through strengthening legislation and attaching importance to the people's livelihood and improving the living environment of the people, these methods are used to improve the political outlook and values of college students, to establish a correct belief in life and to build a strong national identity.


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