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发布时间:2018-01-05 20:07

  本文关键词:大学生主观幸福感的纵向干预研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 积极心理干预 主观幸福感 感激 希望 乐观 优势

【摘要】:研究显示,积极心理学干预能够提高西方被试的幸福感、降低抑郁。但是,个体取向的幸福感干预能否改善中国被试的幸福感和情绪?本文比较几种幸福感干预方法在中国大学生被试中的效果,并考察可能的调节变量和中介变量。 本研究是一为期20周的纵向研究,招募了101位自愿参与者,其中大多以在校本科生为主。将被试随机男女平均分为5组,做不同干预活动内容,即感激组—写感谢信,希望组—制定目标,乐观组—ABCDE理论,优势组—发挥自己的优势和控制组—记录生活事件。 研究总共分为3大阶段进行《综合幸福感问卷》和《贝克抑郁量表》的问卷调查:基线(即研究第一周和研究第二周的统称),积极干预研究结束(即研究第八周)和缓冲期结束(即研究第二十周)。其中分别还对感激组、希望组和乐观组进行相对应的问卷调查。到研究第八周时,有70位被试继续参与研究,回收率为69.3%,最后在研究第二十周时,还有55位被试坚持参与,回收率为54.5%。 研究结果表明:从研究开始至积极干预结束,对于生活满意度的增强来说,优势心理干预的效果最好,其次是希望,而对于抑郁情况的减弱来说,感激心理干预和优势心理干预的效果最好,其次是希望;从研究开始至研究结束,对于生活满意度的增强来说,希望心理干预的效果最好,其次是感激,对于抑郁情况的减弱来说,乐观心理干预的效果最好,其次是优势;将控制组与实验组相比,其生活满意度、抑郁情况也都有正向变化,但只有短期效益;而干预手法的合适度对干预研究来说是重要且有效的。
[Abstract]:Research shows that positive psychology intervention can improve the well-being of Western subjects, reduce depression. However, the individual orientation happiness intervention can improve China subjects happiness and emotional effect? This method several happiness intervention in Chinese undergraduates, and investigate the possible mediator and moderator.
This study is a longitudinal study of 20 week, recruited 101 voluntary participants, mostly to undergraduates. The men and women were randomly divided into 5 groups, different intervention activities, namely the gratitude group - write a letter of thanks, hope group - set goals, optimistic group - ABCDE theory, advantage group - to play their own advantages and control group - record of life events.
The research is divided into 3 stages: general well-being questionnaire > and < > Beck Depression Scale Questionnaire: baseline (i.e. the study referred to the first week and the second week study), actively intervene in the end of the study (i.e. the eighth week study period) and buffer (i.e. the twentieth week study. It also respectively) the gratitude group, hope group and optimistic group conducted a questionnaire survey. The corresponding to the eighth week study, 70 participants to continue to participate in the study, the recovery rate was 69.3%, at the end of the twentieth week study, there are 55 subjects to participate, the recovery rate was 54.5%.
The results show that: from the start of the study to the positive end of the intervention, to enhance the life satisfaction, the best advantage of the effect of psychological intervention, followed by the hope for weakening depression is best appreciated psychological intervention and the advantage of the effect of psychological intervention, followed by hope; from the start of the study to the end of the study, to enhance life satisfaction the best hope for the effect of psychological intervention, the second is grateful for the weakening of depression, the best positive psychological intervention, the second is advantage; the control group and the experimental group compared to the life satisfaction, depression also have positive changes, but only short-term benefits; and interventions to the appropriate degree the intervention study is important and effective.



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4 江雪华;申荷永;;积极心理学在心理评估与干预中的运用[J];中国临床心理学杂志;2007年01期

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